85 IFC Students descended upon CAFA’s building 7 this past Wednesday, full of energy and ready to begin their 2017-2018 academic year.
Full time Studio faculty members Yeung, Crooks, Johnson and Yue engaged the students upon arrival explaining IFC objectives, studio policies and procedures and the exciting year ahead of each and every new student.
Students interviewed their colleagues, asking basic questions and about their dreams, desires and dislik&101;s. The interviews and accompanying photographs were used by students in their collages that explored the spaces between themselves and their fellow students. Students began a small introduction into Dadaism and using their own photographs as components for their work.
Students collaboratively installed the collages as a hallway-long accordion book as the inaugural hallway work for this academic year on our 3rd floor. Students who only knew each other as strangers were now busily working together as a team and discussing their work in introductory critiques.
Together we, administration, faculty and students, are looking forward to an excellent and dynamic year here at CAFA’s International Foundations Course. Stay tuned for more things happening this year!