Northumbria University Visits CAFAIFC
from:cafaifc  click num:618  time:2013/12/9 18:25:51
Northumbria University Visits CAFAIFC
On 9th December, Ms. Zhang Yaqian, the officer of Northumbria University’s Chinese office met IFC students and introduced Northumbria University as one of the largest universities in the UK. More importantly, the design school of NU has a history of more than 160 years. In Ms. Zhang’s lecture at IFC, she emphasized that NU is most famous for its Costume Design and Industrial Design courses. In addition to introducing the culture, the surroundings, and the courses offered at NU, she also stressed that NU courses emphasize the application of theory into practice. As part of this philosophy, students have the chance to be scheduled for a one-year internship which will increase their prospects of employment.
Following the lecture, interested students held further discussions with Ms. Zhang where she informed them that experienced NU Costume Design professors would be coming to IFC to offer short-term courses and would be able to communicate further with prospective students at that time before interviewing the NU applicants.