The CAFA International Foundation Course has gotten off to a great start, with its new 80 students beginning classes on September 12th. New faculty members David Yeung and Mary Johnson have jo&
105;ned the IFC this autumn, bringing fashion design and fine art experience, respectively.
2016’s foundation year has begun with an intensive 3 week introduction to the three foundational areas of photography, design and drawing. Students are immersed in these three diverse areas in order to develop technical skills and to strengthen visual thinking methods and patterns to provide a solid framework for their chosen specialization.
Design Thinking, taught by David Yeung and Henny van Nistelrooy, aims to walk students through the design process of defining problems, researching the “problem” area, conceiving solutions and developing a prototype in response to this solution.
This provides a foundation for all students- not merely those considering focusing on design, to develop elegant and creative responses to situations perceived as “problems”.
The Digital Photography unit, taught by photographer Andrew Crooks, aims to
“familiarize students with the fundamentals of photography and the camera’s manual settings” (Crooks) via encouraging students to “think photographically”. At the end of the course, students move “toward creative expression using the camera” (Crooks). Photography is a vital skill for all art and design students, as they learn to record their ideas, develop a visual resource collection, and document their work.
Surface, an exploratory drawing course taught by Mary Johnson, provides IFC students, who commonly have built impressive traditional visual recording skills prior to entering, the opportunity to explore how drawing relies on environmental and material surface to express form and meaning. The importance of material intuitive knowledge and observation, regardless of intended focus, is stressed. Mark-making, experimental materials, “slow looking” experiences, and collaborative work all occur within a “play”-lik&
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Students are completing the intensive 3 week introduction to the IFC in conjunction with their year-long IT class focusing on how technology is used within the art and design fields, and attending a weekly mass lecture led by faculty members on various topics pertaining to the contemporary art and design world. Guest speakers will also contribute to this mass lecture as the year progresses.
The IFC team is looking forward this academic year with a group of students full of potential. Stay tuned to our site to receive insight on the academic aspects of CAFA’s International Foundations Course.