Professor Daniel Cuffaro from Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) visited IFC and worked with the students on a two-week product design workshop named Personal Storage.
CIA, one of the most reputable art universities and partner schools of IFC, always provide students with the most extensive art programmes. The subject for this workshop was Personal Storage which was about storage and product design.
Beyond their own creative thinking, the students were asked to interview people face to face and get other people’s ideas about storage. Students sorted and analyzed the information they collected step by step. Then they made sketches and continuously improve them. The final works were made in teams using cloth, leather, synthetic foam board or some other materials. In this programme, the students got a better understanding of the connection between art and life. On critique day, each student presented their ideas in front of the class confidently and thoroughly.
Though the two-week workshop was short, the cooperation between IFC and CIA formed a strong art philosophy shared by both - to be a great designer, you must fully understand and respect the physical and mental need of the masses as art is a humanistic science.