English Orientation at IFC
from:cafaifc  click num:763  time:2017/9/9 18:59:05
English Orientation at IFC

This past Thursday saw students fully engaged in their orientation to the English Language component of the IFC year. 45% of our academic year is spent helping our Mandarin-speaking students succeed as they learn how to speak, write and understand academic English. It’s our goal that all students “hit the ground running” so to speak once they transfer to one of our partner schools around the globe so that they are able to gain the most they can from their education.


Full time English Department faculty David, Gu, Woodward and Xu explained to students the English-language color-coded leveling system unique to the IFC and their schedules, that allow them to engage with every faculty member as they progress in their writing, speaking and listening skills. The system is flexible, and allows for students to move fluidly through the levels according to their current skills.


In addition to faculty, students were introduced to their new textbooks, fellow students, and the upcoming year’s IELTS’ testing schedule.


The entire day wasn’t spent reviewing logistics, however, and new students enjoyed other methods of dipping their toe into English via watching part of Fast and the Furious 8, playing a short game of Scrabble, and singing- English Department’s Head Gary David’s favorite pastime besides soccer.


The day was culminated in a quick-paced yet funny game of Taboo, wh&

101;re students were required to show off their vocabulary using hand motions to express words such as “Statue of Liberty”, “kangaroo”, and the Chinese celebrity “Huan Liu”. The energy throughout the day made it evident that it’s going to be a great academic year in the English Department!