Scrabble Game Class - IFC Featured English Class
from:cafaifc  click num:980  time:2014/10/14 14:14:48
Scrabble Game Class - IFC Featured English Class
In the first week after the National Holiday, the English Department of IFC had a special English class - Scrabble Game Class. Scrabble, a popular board game, is a new and interesting tool for students to further enhance their English skills. It helps the students learn how to use words by arranging letters horizontally or vertically on a board.
Diversity has been an important teaching philosophy in IFC. How to develop an interest in English and how to acquire knowledge from different methods has always been our aim.In the Scrabble class, students were divided into group of four or six.All the students participated actively in the game. They played, laughed and enjoyed the game class thoroughly.