Ivan Ballesteros - Studio Teacher
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Ivan Ballesteros - Studio Teacher

Ivan Ballesteros studied Architecture & Urbanism at ETSA in Canary Islands, Spain. From 2004 till 2006, He did an intensive Master degree at the  
Architectural Association of London (UK) in the Design Research Laboratory Program (AADRL).    
In 2008 He is sel&

101;cted by Jurgen Mayer H. to go to Stuttgart (Germany) for 9 months to continue his research on cutting-edge Design & Architecture. He won 2 competitions back in 2004 and 2008. He has been an active artist using different medias since 1998. In 2012  
He moved to Beijing, wh&

101;re He worked for few Chinese Companies before establishing his own office.     
His Teaching Philosophy is based on the idea that “Education has everything to do with igniting a flame”, once the spark has been deployed into an  
open mind, the learning process will never end in a natural way, specially for creative people.    
In relation to Spatial Design, He hopes to make understandable all the complexities & possibilities of the new world in the mind of the future 
professionals; keeping an open & flexible attitude to the challenges to come by arming them with a solid & well-structured set of skills.