Lyes Hammadouche - Studio Teacher
from:cafaifc  click num:1733  time:2019/8/30 10:01:00
Lyes Hammadouche -  Studio Teacher

Dr. Lyes Hammadouche is a French artist and researcher born in Algeria in 1987. He works between Paris and Beijing wh&

101;re he is teaching art and design at CAFAIFC.     
Through his practice he carries out research on the complex problem of consciousness. Trained in hypnosis during his PhD (obtained in 2019,    
between the neuroscience laboratory of Paris’ Superior Normal School ENS-Ulm and the National Superior School of Decorative Arts in Paris, ENSAD),  he produces works that embody the science core discoveries of our time   
 (delocalized consciousness and self’s illusion). His practice stands at the junction of art and design, he conceived eyeglasses as well as jewellery  
and thinks of sculptures as being quasi-functional. His works embrace hypnosis’s principles as a means to share them with the public at large.    
The techniques of Captology/Persuasive technology are made available to the spectators in sculptures using rapid prototyping tools.     
The technical aspect of his work contrasts with a playful humour. At the heart of his work is a critical reflection on technology, its uses and proposes    
a contemplative look turned towards otherness and on the other side towards introspection.