中国失智症患者人数占全球比例最大,但社会对其关注度远远不够。 通过对模糊边界的建筑研究,我发现开放式建筑可以提高失智症患者的社交技能并提高幸福感。 失忆的老年人需要一个安全的活动空间,以帮助他们度过人生中的这段艰难时期。 我的项目为患有多种类型的失智症(阿尔茨海默症等)的患者创建一个为期半天的护理托管中心,让他们处于一个熟悉的环境中,这将帮助他们增加幸福感并减缓大脑退化的过程。 同时,家属知道他们的亲人处在一个安全和充实的环境中,可以让其对此安心。
失智症日托中心由两座圆形建筑组成。 其一是较小的半开放式运动娱乐空间,侧重于更多的体育活动; 另一座是椭圆形二层建筑,用于满足患者的基本生活和休闲需求,更注重精神治疗。 此外,建筑外围的绿地设计,有助患者清楚辨认出两栋楼的具体位置,边界处设置的木栅栏,以保障长者的安全。
中国有句古话:“老吾老以及人之老”。 逐渐忘记身边的亲人是一个痛苦的过程,我们需要在关爱他们的过程中充满同理心,通过建筑设计的细枝末节来帮助他们更好地生活。
The number of dementia patients in China accounts for the largest proportion in the world, but not enough attention is given by the society. Through the architectural research on fuzzy boundaries I found that open buildings can increase social skills and improve happiness for dementia patients. Older adults who experience memory loss need a space to move safely that can help them go over this difficult period on their lives. I developed my project to create a half-day nursing center for patients with several types of demential (Alzheimer, etc…) allowing them to be in a familiar environment that will increase well-being and slow down the process of brain deterioration. At the same time, knowing their relatives are in a safe and enriching environment allows the families to be calm about them through the day.
I looked at several references, worth mentioning, the half-open building of Fuji Kindergarten by Tezuka Architects where I learnt about the functions in a creative educational rounded spaces.
The dementia daycare center consists of two circular buildings. The first is smaller semi-open space used for sports and entertainment, focused on more physical activities; the second is a two-story building used to meet the basic living and leisure needs of the patients, more focused in mind and social stimuli. In addition, the surrounding design of the green space will help patients to clearly identify the location of the two buildings, and the wooden fence is set up at the boundary to ensure the safety of the elders.
The old Chinese saying: “Honor other aged people as we honor our own”. Gradually forgetting the loved ones around us is a painful process, we need to be full of empathy in the process of caring for them, and help them remember better through the details of architectural design.