Fine Art
Zhu Yujie

在“REUNITED”这个课题中,我研究了“鹿”这种动物。鹿在中国和西方都有很多意义。在古代,它被认为是一种神圣的动物,被认为能带来幸福和长寿。 我对鹿角特别感兴趣。随着鹿的成长,它们会自然落下,因此成为重生的标志。鹿角看起来像树枝、树根或笼子。这在我看来很有诗意,我想在画中寻找一种方法把这些元素结合起来。鹿角的结构很有趣,像一只张开的手,很好地表达了团圆的思想。 我画了一群鹿,它们的头像树木一样...

Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Dear Deer

在“REUNITED”这个课题中,我研究了“鹿”这种动物。鹿在中国和西方都有很多意义。在古代,它被认为是一种神圣的动物,被认为能带来幸福和长寿。 我对鹿角特别感兴趣。随着鹿的成长,它们会自然落下,因此成为重生的标志。鹿角看起来像树枝、树根或笼子。这在我看来很有诗意,我想在画中寻找一种方法把这些元素结合起来。鹿角的结构很有趣,像一只张开的手,很好地表达了团圆的思想。 我画了一群鹿,它们的头像树木一样埋在地下。这是一幅充满紧张感的画面,仿佛大自然处于危险之中。我还稍微改变了鹿角的结构,以创建模糊的黑白构图,像一个笼子或一个圆圈。我还创作了一幅很大的画,鹿的形象是由在空气和地面上蔓延的有机树根所代表的。实验过程中我还尝试用树枝和雨伞结合的方式完成了一个鹿角形状的雕塑。 在这个项目中,我想营造一种既幽默又严肃的视觉效果,通过鹿的形象,来表达保护和危险的概念共存。

For this REUNITED project, I was interested in the Deer, which has many meanings in China and the West. The deer is a symbol of wealth, the homophone "Lu", meaning "high official wealth". I was particularly interested in the antlers of the deer. They fall naturally as the deer grows which becomes a sign of renewal. The antlers of the deer look like tree branches, roots or a cage... it seems very poetic to me and I wanted to work on these images in my paintings by finding a way to combine these elements. The antlers structure is interesting and expresses well the idea of reunion. It almost looks like an open hand. For example, I have done paintings that represent a forest of deer whose heads are buried underground like trees. It's quite a violent image, as if nature is in danger. I also changed the structure of the deer's antlers slightly to create ambiguous compositions in black and white like a cage or a circle... I also made a large painting where the image of the deer is represented by a tangle of organic roots that spread in the air and in the ground. Finally I tried to make a sculpture that combines the figure of the deer antler using a tree branch that I combined with umbrellas. In this project I wanted to create both humorous and serious visions to make the notions of protection and danger coexist through the figure of the deer.

Natural Life Bunker