2020-2021学年是一个由线上、线下教学交织完成的特殊年份,国际预科的师生们在严守战疫要求的前提下克服教学上的重重困难,分秒必争与时间赛跑,负重前行无半句怨言,不仅顺利完成了全学年的教学任务,院校申请和录取也收获了全面的胜利。疫情阻挡不了预科学子求学的坚定脚步,疫情也阻挡不了世界被撕裂后再重新聚合。重聚不是简单地回到过去,重聚必将以新的聚合方式、创造新的聚合价值、重塑新的世界图景。我们对后疫情时代的无限遐想和美好期许都融入了今年的毕业季创作主题 “REUNITED/重聚”中。同学们精彩多元的作品类型横跨纯艺术、视觉传达、插画、产品设计、服装设计、首饰设计、建筑与空间设计、动画、综合媒体等各个领域,堪称国际预科教育理念、学术质量和教学成果的集中体现。
Founded by the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2005, the International Foundation Course Program (CAFAIFC) is a unique educational platform designed to cultivate international talents in art and design. In the past 16 years, CAFAIFC has prepared thousands of outstanding graduates for overseas study.
CAFAIFC recruits talented art and design students from all over the country and the world. Our program begins in early September and ends at the end of April. The final project in the second semester usually lasts for 6 weeks and is integrated with the graduation exhibition.
The academic year 2020-2021 was a special year of intertwined online and offline teaching. The teachers and students overcame all the difficulties in teaching while strictly adhering to the requirements of the pandemic; with an outcome that not only successfully completed the whole year teaching tasks, but also achieved great success in terms of school applications and offers. The pandemic could not prevent students from pursuing their studies, nor stop the world from reuniting after been separated. "ReUnited", as the theme for carrying our good wish and hope, is not a simple return to the past but a new form of convergence. As a reflection of CAFAIFC’s educational philosophy, academic quality and teaching achievements, the exhibition presents the final projects and portfolios of all students, covers a wide range of majors including: fine arts, visual communication, illustration, product design, fashion design, jewelry design, architecture and spatial design, animation and integrated media.
Just as the intertwining teaching, this year's Graduation Exhibition is held for the first time both online and offline. The offline exhibition transformed the daily teaching space of CAFAIFC into an exhibition area, presenting all students’ final projects and portfolios.
I sincerely want to thank all CAFAIFC teachers and students for their trust and cooperation in overcoming the challenges. Congratulations to our graduates and look forward to a bright future! Also thank the webpage design team to create a wonderful exhibition space! Thank you, dear visitors, for your interest and we hope you enjoy the exhibition!
Huang Li
Program Director