Spatial Design
Zhang Longmou

在本次课题“重聚”中,我设计了一座沙漠中的图书馆。人们在繁忙的城市生活中,一心忙于工作或学习,忘记了人与自然的联系,人与人的交流。我打算在沙漠中建立起一座图书馆,让人们从忙碌的城市生活中脱离开来,使人们重聚在这片孤立的沙漠中。 我的灵感最初来自于四个手紧握的图案以及沙漠中的龙卷风的形状。这两者都有一种强烈的联合感。考虑到沙漠中移动的风沙和干燥的环境,我将建筑的第一层四个入口都留了出来,便于风沙从建...

Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
知识绿洲 局部
Oasis of Knowledge
知识绿洲 局部
Oasis of Knowledge
知识绿洲 局部
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge
Oasis of Knowledge

在本次课题“重聚”中,我设计了一座沙漠中的图书馆。人们在繁忙的城市生活中,一心忙于工作或学习,忘记了人与自然的联系,人与人的交流。我打算在沙漠中建立起一座图书馆,让人们从忙碌的城市生活中脱离开来,使人们重聚在这片孤立的沙漠中。 我的灵感最初来自于四个手紧握的图案以及沙漠中的龙卷风的形状。这两者都有一种强烈的联合感。考虑到沙漠中移动的风沙和干燥的环境,我将建筑的第一层四个入口都留了出来,便于风沙从建筑的底部穿过。建筑整体都采用很小的窗户便于保持较凉爽的温度。基于对沙漠中原始建筑帐篷的参考,我将建筑的室内空间设计为四根支撑柱子扭转成龙卷风的形状。建筑底层为停车区,一层为阅读区,二层为休闲区,三层为会议区,顶层则为运动休闲区。我在犀牛软件中创建了模型,并在Lumion软件中加入了物体的材质,最终呈现出渲染图片和动画。

For this project- REUNITED, I designed a library in desert. In the busy urban life nowadays, people usually focus on working or studying, and forget the real connection with nature, and communication between people. My work could help people escaping from such busy urban life, and rebuild connection with nature, and allow people to reunite in isolate desert. My inspiration first came from a picture on which four hands are holding together, and the organic form of tornado. It gave a strong feeling of combination and unite, so I decided to add these elements to my project. Considering the sand and dry environment in the desert, the ground floor is empty, to enable the moving sand go through the bottom of the building. The windows are small to keep the temperature. With the reference of the desert traditional building-tent, I made four pillars twisted like the tornado to present the interior space. The building has the ground floor as parking space, the first floor as reading space, the second floor as leisure area, the third floor as meeting area and the roof area for sports. I made the digital model in Rhino and then added the concrete in this model in Lumion to get the render pictures and animation.

Natural Life Bunker