在“重组”这个课题中我做了很多尝试,最后选择了做一个对视箱。这是一个有孔的盒子,两个人可以通过盒子里的空间看到对方。 我试图让人们只关注对方的脸,并在其中加入不同颜色的光,创造出不同氛围和感受。我做了两个盒子。一个内部是黑色的,另一个则是白色,用来发射实验光线。黑色空间可以帮助人们从不同的角度看对方,白色空间让人们专注于他们的交流。 在日常生活中,人们往往没有机会与朋友或陌生人如此亲密。所以我重新...
在“重组”这个课题中我做了很多尝试,最后选择了做一个对视箱。这是一个有孔的盒子,两个人可以通过盒子里的空间看到对方。 我试图让人们只关注对方的脸,并在其中加入不同颜色的光,创造出不同氛围和感受。我做了两个盒子。一个内部是黑色的,另一个则是白色,用来发射实验光线。黑色空间可以帮助人们从不同的角度看对方,白色空间让人们专注于他们的交流。 在日常生活中,人们往往没有机会与朋友或陌生人如此亲密。所以我重新...
在“重组”这个课题中我做了很多尝试,最后选择了做一个对视箱。这是一个有孔的盒子,两个人可以通过盒子里的空间看到对方。 我试图让人们只关注对方的脸,并在其中加入不同颜色的光,创造出不同氛围和感受。我做了两个盒子。一个内部是黑色的,另一个则是白色,用来发射实验光线。黑色空间可以帮助人们从不同的角度看对方,白色空间让人们专注于他们的交流。 在日常生活中,人们往往没有机会与朋友或陌生人如此亲密。所以我重新思考了人们之间的相处方式,尝试用灯光来表达情感模仿人们的感受,但在此基础上又增加了可玩性和互动性。 参与互动的观众或许会感到尴尬或有趣,这也从侧面反映出他们日常与人相处的习惯。人们所习惯的物理距离上重聚,不只是在于空间层面,更多的是与人的情感和语言有关
I made a lot of attempts during the whole process in the final project Reunited and finally chose this one—the eye contact box. I made the boxes with a hole that allows two people to see each other through the space I made inside the boxes. I wanted people could concentrate only on each other’s faces and be intimate in an unusual occasion, while playing with contrasting light colors. I created different atmospheres for people to have different feelings. There are two boxes. One is black inside and the other is white, which experiment with the reflection of light. What’s more, the black space can help people see each other from different angles, and the white space is for people to focus on their communication. People do not often have opportunities to be so close with friends or strangers in their daily life. Therefore, I have reconsidered how people get along with others, and I tried to imitate their feelings by using light colors to indicate emotions, but also I made this project more playful and interactive. Perhaps it would be fun or awkward for people to play with my project, and the reaction from the audience would also show how they often communicate with people. To reunite from an earlier physical distance is not only about the space, but more related to people's emotions and language.