Fashion Design
Yang Qianye

在“REUNITED”这个课题中,我将自然与人类联系起来。我探讨了“时尚行业如何为环保做出贡献”这个问题。我的主要灵感来自于Phyllida Barlowe的雕塑作品。我用回收材料做了很多环保实验,通过烹饪来创造新型的织物。 我选择了丝绸作为自然和可降解的材料。为了减少对人造染料的化学使用,在染色过程中遵循了环保设计的理念,用植物和食物垃圾,比如洋葱皮和紫甘蓝等制成了染料。通过研究和拼贴实验,我选...

Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature
Reunited with Nature

在“REUNITED”这个课题中,我将自然与人类联系起来。我探讨了“时尚行业如何为环保做出贡献”这个问题。我的主要灵感来自于Phyllida Barlowe的雕塑作品。我用回收材料做了很多环保实验,通过烹饪来创造新型的织物。 我选择了丝绸作为自然和可降解的材料。为了减少对人造染料的化学使用,在染色过程中遵循了环保设计的理念,用植物和食物垃圾,比如洋葱皮和紫甘蓝等制成了染料。通过研究和拼贴实验,我选择垃圾袋发展了作品的形态。 结合重组的主题,我拓展了对时尚和人类行为的思考,希望用作品呼吁人们保护环境。

Reunited is a title of this project where I explored the idea of reunity between human and nature world. My research started form my daily life observation and recent changes that happen in China with the idea to sorted out waste in different category that drives my investigation and raised the question about “what kind of contribution I could make through the fashion design aspect?” Been inspired by Phyllida Barlowe, I also reconsidered the idea of using the fabric to create a fashion and textile by re-using the leftovers from previous projects and collect the threads, yarns, small pieces of fabric to transform to a new materials. During my experimentation I tried to create a new type of fabric by cooking. Using corn starch, vinegar and gelatin powder to make bio-plastic that could be shaped without any leftovers. Thinking about fashion industry as one of the most polluted filed I decided to choose natural silk fabric in a plain color that could be easily biodegrade. In order to reduce to chemical use of artificial dyes, I dyed my fabric pieces using plants and food waste such as onion skins and purple cabbages to get different patterns of color that could be provided by nature. The part of the eco-dyeing process is required to wrapped up the roll of fabric with yarns, that I decided to knit through it away and reuse after and transform to knitted elements on my final work. I used the plastic bag as part of my research about most polluted materials and develop idea about its shape by collage. That idea later was transformed into the fabric manipulation via smoking technique.

Natural Life Bunker