Fashion Design
Xie Huanjian

在“REUNITED”课题中,我结合了对⾃我认同、对⼈类的真实需求和⼈类本性的理解。多功能和简单化是我的项⽬所遵循的关键词。我思考了当前时装业⽣产过剩的问题,研究了藏族的传统⽂化和服饰。我发现他们的⾐服⾮常实⽤,⽅便并且耐穿。 受到藏族传统建筑和Richard Serra作品的启发,我从中汲取了元素,并通过拼贴和改变⽐例来获取了新的想法。我对⽑毡、纸和线材等不同材料进⾏了多次实验形成了新的形状和结...

Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
传统与现代的碰撞 细节
Reunited with Origin
传统与现代的碰撞 细节
Reunited with Origin
传统与现代的碰撞 细节
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin
Reunited with Origin

在“REUNITED”课题中,我结合了对⾃我认同、对⼈类的真实需求和⼈类本性的理解。多功能和简单化是我的项⽬所遵循的关键词。我思考了当前时装业⽣产过剩的问题,研究了藏族的传统⽂化和服饰。我发现他们的⾐服⾮常实⽤,⽅便并且耐穿。 受到藏族传统建筑和Richard Serra作品的启发,我从中汲取了元素,并通过拼贴和改变⽐例来获取了新的想法。我对⽑毡、纸和线材等不同材料进⾏了多次实验形成了新的形状和结构。我选择“条”来完成了最终作品,因为它不会产⽣浪费。 根据对⼈类基因的研究,我发现针织物的结构与基因的结构相似,因此使⽤了针织的方式。颜色我选择只使⽤⽩⾊,因为它是纯净、简洁、和平的代表。 最终作品是一个模块化的单品,拉链和扣⼦使其更具变形性。作为⼀名时尚设计专业的学⽣,我希望我们能更加谨慎地购买商品,并更加了解购买新⾐服对环境的影响。

The word “REUNITED” as a starting point of my project makes me think of the reconnection to our human nature through self-identity and understanding about our real needs as humans. Living in post pandemic world we are looking for greener, more durable and purpose-solving alternatives rather than impulsive consumption of fast fashion. Multifunctional and simplistic are the key words that I was following to develop my project. Reconsidering the problem of overproduction in the fashion industry also inspired me to turn back to basic approaches in fashion and I researched the traditional culture and costume of Zang minority. I found their clothes are really functional and simple to wear. Following the shape of the traditional architecture and inspired by Richard Serra’s work I extract the element from it and develop new ideas through collages and changing the proportion around the body. In order to develop new shape and structure I did several experimentations with different materials like felt, paper and wire. Eventually I choose stripes to complete my final work, as it does not produce waste and support them with ridgeline to keep the architectural look. I chose to work only with the white color during this project as it’s a color of purity, simplicity and peace. My final work is to create a modular piece, applying zippers and clips to the garment make it more transformable. As a fashion design student I hope we can be more mindful of our purchases and be more aware about choices we make when buying a new piece of clothing and its impact on the environment.

Natural Life Bunker