Visual Communication
Chen Wandi


和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
[VIDEO点击播放]Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder
和另一个性格重聚 - 双向情感障碍
Reunited with Another Character - Bipolar Disorder

这个项目的主题“重聚”让我开始思考和研究双相情感障碍。有这种症状的患者在一段时间内会不断在抑郁和躁狂之间切换。例如,如果我们在不同的时间遇见这两种状态中的一个,就像遇见只有外貌相同但是性格不同的两个人。我对这一话题的兴趣来自于我的一位患有双相情感障碍的朋友,他的行为可能会很怪异。但是他也是非常善良的人,应该得到和别人一样平等的对待。虽然精神类疾病在当代社会已逐渐得到越来越多的关注,但对双相情感障碍的一般认识仍然很浅薄。 我的项目希望普及双相情感障碍这一病症,减少人们对其产生的误解。同时给那些遭受痛苦的人带来安慰,包括我的朋友。因为他们并不孤单,总有人相信他们很棒,总有人爱他们。

The project REUNITED made me think and research the bipolar disorder mental illness. Patients who suffer this type of medical diagnosis switch between depression and mania for periods of time. For instance, if we meet one of them at different periods, it is like meeting different people with the same appearance. The reason why I wanted to study it came from the fact that I have a friend experiencing bipolar disorder who are acting out of line with their intentions. They are very kind people who deserve to be treated equally. Although mental disease has been gradually getting more attention in contemporary society, the general understanding of the bipolar disorder is still very shallow. My project intends to popularize information about specific mental conditions and to avoid misconceptions about them, at the same time brings comfort to those who suffer from it, including my friends. I want to tell them that they are not alone and there are always someone loving them.

Natural Life Bunker