C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W





My work is called "The Great Gate". The theme of the building is "Restart", which is based on traditional Chinese elements, integrates western design aesthetics and highlights the main concept.

In China's Qing and Ming Dynasties, there was an official gate in Beijing, called the Great Qing Gate. In that turbulent era, it was the boundary between the broken outer city and the luxurious palace. With the changes of the times, the gate was demolished around the 1950s. I want to restore it, hope to lit up the memory of people with it. In order to keep my gate follow the trend of the times, I added some new elements and tried to find some breezy feeling.

In traditional Chinese architecture, there is a general concept "tough force". It means that the whole building should be with a formal but simple style. This is the same as constructivist simplicity aesthetics. It always prefers to make a strong contrast between the sharp square lines with circle.

Then I made the model in SketchUp. The building retains the three-gate construction method (one main gate and two auxiliary gates). There are a lot of arc elements on the second floor of the building, which not only weakens the abrupt sense of square on the first floor, but also makes the outline of the building have a gentler transition. The size of the building is about 30m * 10m * 30m. The road is paved with bricks and stones. The glass box inserted in wall makes the building in simplicity aesthetics, and strengthens the meaning of "contrast" and "revisit". To protect its function as a door, I make the inside of the whole building empty. People can walk directly from one side to the other without opening an actual door.

The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 角度1
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 局部
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 草图1
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 草图2
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 草图3
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument
大门-当代纪念碑 草图4
The Great Gate-Contemporary Monument





My work is called "The Great Gate". The theme of the building is "Restart", which is based on traditional Chinese elements, integrates western design aesthetics and highlights the main concept.

In China's Qing and Ming Dynasties, there was an official gate in Beijing, called the Great Qing Gate. In that turbulent era, it was the boundary between the broken outer city and the luxurious palace. With the changes of the times, the gate was demolished around the 1950s. I want to restore it, hope to lit up the memory of people with it. In order to keep my gate follow the trend of the times, I added some new elements and tried to find some breezy feeling.

In traditional Chinese architecture, there is a general concept "tough force". It means that the whole building should be with a formal but simple style. This is the same as constructivist simplicity aesthetics. It always prefers to make a strong contrast between the sharp square lines with circle.

Then I made the model in SketchUp. The building retains the three-gate construction method (one main gate and two auxiliary gates). There are a lot of arc elements on the second floor of the building, which not only weakens the abrupt sense of square on the first floor, but also makes the outline of the building have a gentler transition. The size of the building is about 30m * 10m * 30m. The road is paved with bricks and stones. The glass box inserted in wall makes the building in simplicity aesthetics, and strengthens the meaning of "contrast" and "revisit". To protect its function as a door, I make the inside of the whole building empty. People can walk directly from one side to the other without opening an actual door.
