Timothee Dufresne 专业导师




The Fine Art studio tries to encourage creativity and self-expression of the students. There is no limit to the techniques or subjects that can be covered. The only thing that counts is the mobility of the mind and creativity. Through a playful pedagogy, favoring combinations, associations and encounters, the students are invited to try to push back their limits and widen their field of expression and reflection.

Student support is based on personal dialogue and exchange with the teacher as well as on learning about art history, often in direct connection with the students' concerns and interests. The preparation for entrance competitions in very good schools is accompanied by multiple teaching which aims to train the student to take a step back from his work, to be able to talk about it and relate it to other artists as well as to art history in general.

For the final project "Restart", the students approached this theme in different ways with means limited due to the current conditions. Nevertheless, the diversity of the proposals shows a variety of personalities and states of mind. For example, through a daily protocol, the reinterpretation of a past project or ecological considerations, they each tried to find a singular way to respond to the theme of the exhibition.