C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W




澳大利亚山火再次把环保问题推向一个小高潮。然而,在人们互相指责控诉的同时,摄影师Murray Lowe意外捕捉到了一组植物在大火后发芽的照片。这些浴火重生的顽强生命使我意识到人类在自然界的地位就如同寄生虫,而自然界却并不需要人类。一旦某种平衡的状态被打破,自然终将把我们吞噬。


I often doubt the place of man in the world.

Man claims to rule the world. He controls all kinds of animals, he pollutes and leaves tracks everywhere, he does what he wants sometimes without thinking about the consequences for nature. By selfishly occupying the earth, man causes irreparable damage such as global warming, environmental pollution or land desertification-Man does his best to protect the envi-ronment every year, but does the environment really need man's protection? After the Australian mountain fire, a photographer by the name of Murray Lowe found that many organisms in nature showed signs of regeneration - plants began to grow, even some animals were returning. It was only a small part, but these phenomena meant that nature has the opportunity to restart without man. In other words, "protection" against man is closer to "protection" against oneself - we may just be a parasite on earth. If we sud-denly disappear, after many years, no trace of human existence will remain and the earth will not miss us.

With these ideas in mind, I made a series of collages. The collages were in-spired by a film called "Life After People", in which I tried to combine sim-ple elements of our daily lives with elements of Nature. The aim of these works is to revisit the relationship between man and nature - how they in-fluence each other in different ways. I made these works on Photoshop with a white background, which accentuated the combination of the two ele-ments. Thus, through associations that mix different scales in an absurd, humorous and slightly tragic spirit, I try to stimulate the imagination and question the viewer about the relationship we have with our environment.

We belong to Nature, we are not above it. If we don't protect her, she will eventually swallow us up and digest us.

Global Warning
Global Warning
Global Warning
Global Warning
Global Warning
Global Warning
Global Warning




澳大利亚山火再次把环保问题推向一个小高潮。然而,在人们互相指责控诉的同时,摄影师Murray Lowe意外捕捉到了一组植物在大火后发芽的照片。这些浴火重生的顽强生命使我意识到人类在自然界的地位就如同寄生虫,而自然界却并不需要人类。一旦某种平衡的状态被打破,自然终将把我们吞噬。


I often doubt the place of man in the world.

Man claims to rule the world. He controls all kinds of animals, he pollutes and leaves tracks everywhere, he does what he wants sometimes without thinking about the consequences for nature. By selfishly occupying the earth, man causes irreparable damage such as global warming, environmental pollution or land desertification-Man does his best to protect the envi-ronment every year, but does the environment really need man's protection? After the Australian mountain fire, a photographer by the name of Murray Lowe found that many organisms in nature showed signs of regeneration - plants began to grow, even some animals were returning. It was only a small part, but these phenomena meant that nature has the opportunity to restart without man. In other words, "protection" against man is closer to "protection" against oneself - we may just be a parasite on earth. If we sud-denly disappear, after many years, no trace of human existence will remain and the earth will not miss us.

With these ideas in mind, I made a series of collages. The collages were in-spired by a film called "Life After People", in which I tried to combine sim-ple elements of our daily lives with elements of Nature. The aim of these works is to revisit the relationship between man and nature - how they in-fluence each other in different ways. I made these works on Photoshop with a white background, which accentuated the combination of the two ele-ments. Thus, through associations that mix different scales in an absurd, humorous and slightly tragic spirit, I try to stimulate the imagination and question the viewer about the relationship we have with our environment.

We belong to Nature, we are not above it. If we don't protect her, she will eventually swallow us up and digest us.
