C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W






When I heard the topic of our final project “Restart”, I tried to think about how the society I lived in influenced me. After looking at various topics and directions, I decided to focus on Artistic Freedom.

I started from researching about the situation in China, and I found an interesting historical reference, which was the “Stars Art Group”. I also thought about some of the violations of artistic freedom around me, and made a few collages as a response.

Then, I decided to make two series of illustrations of female and male figures from paintings in medieval times, and tried to post them online to see if they would be blocked. In order to test the boundary of the system, I made different versions that covers different body parts of the figures. The only one blocked by the system was the naked female version.

After that, I found more pictures of nude models online, and tried to post original photos; collages that covers sexual organs; different versions of illustrations; both photos and illustrations that only shows sexual organs. Most of illustrations remained fine while almost all the photos were blocked. Finally, I decided to cover the sexual organs of the bodies by my illustration, and the pictures were not blocked.

All of the findings mentioned gave me an idea to complete my work. I decided to use collage as a format, and combined the idea of showing how censorship works by revealing different body parts. I’ve made a few collages and they finally completed my work.

In conclusion, I wanted to express my feelings of freedom of expression through my work. I want people to look at it, and think about the importance of expressing their ideas, instead of being controlled by the authorities.

Artistic Freedom
Artistic Freedom
Artistic Freedom
Artistic Freedom
Artistic Freedom
创作自由 局部1
Artistic Freedom
创作自由 局部2
Artistic Freedom
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Artistic Freedom
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Artistic Freedom






When I heard the topic of our final project “Restart”, I tried to think about how the society I lived in influenced me. After looking at various topics and directions, I decided to focus on Artistic Freedom.

I started from researching about the situation in China, and I found an interesting historical reference, which was the “Stars Art Group”. I also thought about some of the violations of artistic freedom around me, and made a few collages as a response.

Then, I decided to make two series of illustrations of female and male figures from paintings in medieval times, and tried to post them online to see if they would be blocked. In order to test the boundary of the system, I made different versions that covers different body parts of the figures. The only one blocked by the system was the naked female version.

After that, I found more pictures of nude models online, and tried to post original photos; collages that covers sexual organs; different versions of illustrations; both photos and illustrations that only shows sexual organs. Most of illustrations remained fine while almost all the photos were blocked. Finally, I decided to cover the sexual organs of the bodies by my illustration, and the pictures were not blocked.

All of the findings mentioned gave me an idea to complete my work. I decided to use collage as a format, and combined the idea of showing how censorship works by revealing different body parts. I’ve made a few collages and they finally completed my work.

In conclusion, I wanted to express my feelings of freedom of expression through my work. I want people to look at it, and think about the importance of expressing their ideas, instead of being controlled by the authorities.
