C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W

在这个课题作品中,我遵循主题“RESTART”,并围绕它进行了一系列实验性创作。 就我而言,重新启动意味着摧毁已存在的事物,在摧毁的基础上重新考量和建立新的价值。众所周知,我们的生活由一些固定的规则和模式、我们的定向思维及普适的因果关系组成。 其中一些难免落于窠臼,荒谬死板。因此我试想,如果能通过简单的替换和扭转从而审视他们,破而后立,建立新的价值,那样会比较有意思吧。



In this project, I followed the topic RESTART and made a series of experiments around it. As far as I am concerned, restart means destroying existed things and then rethink and establish new value. It is known that our life is made up of some fixed rules and regular patterns in respect to our habits, or the causes and effects. Some of them are too stubborn and ridiculous, so I started to think about what if I reverse those rules and establish brand new laws. It could be playful for me.

I started to make some gifs and sketches that concerning reversing, like interchange the position of bottom and head, or to imagine eating a kind of gum that will get yourself swollen after you blow it. I used different parts of the body as a medium since every organ has its specific symbolic meaning, and I decided to draw some features with reversed organs metaphor some unhealthy phenomenon or social issues. For example, I exaggerated the shape or amount of them to represent that we might have been focused on something too much. By using soft pastels, I could draw lines precisely and make colors more vivid.

At the final stage, I made a huge raincoat especially for close-rack using plastic fabric, I hung it on clothes rack and put it in somewhere in our city, like the stadium, building site or in the corridor. I was trying to question the regular patterns that “A rack is designed for clothes”.

To Reverse The World
To Reverse The World
To Reverse The World
To Reverse The World
To Reverse The World
倒转 草图
To Reverse The World
倒转 草图
To Reverse The World
倒转 草图
To Reverse The World
倒转 草图
To Reverse The World
倒转 草图
To Reverse The World

在这个课题作品中,我遵循主题“RESTART”,并围绕它进行了一系列实验性创作。 就我而言,重新启动意味着摧毁已存在的事物,在摧毁的基础上重新考量和建立新的价值。众所周知,我们的生活由一些固定的规则和模式、我们的定向思维及普适的因果关系组成。 其中一些难免落于窠臼,荒谬死板。因此我试想,如果能通过简单的替换和扭转从而审视他们,破而后立,建立新的价值,那样会比较有意思吧。



In this project, I followed the topic RESTART and made a series of experiments around it. As far as I am concerned, restart means destroying existed things and then rethink and establish new value. It is known that our life is made up of some fixed rules and regular patterns in respect to our habits, or the causes and effects. Some of them are too stubborn and ridiculous, so I started to think about what if I reverse those rules and establish brand new laws. It could be playful for me.

I started to make some gifs and sketches that concerning reversing, like interchange the position of bottom and head, or to imagine eating a kind of gum that will get yourself swollen after you blow it. I used different parts of the body as a medium since every organ has its specific symbolic meaning, and I decided to draw some features with reversed organs metaphor some unhealthy phenomenon or social issues. For example, I exaggerated the shape or amount of them to represent that we might have been focused on something too much. By using soft pastels, I could draw lines precisely and make colors more vivid.

At the final stage, I made a huge raincoat especially for close-rack using plastic fabric, I hung it on clothes rack and put it in somewhere in our city, like the stadium, building site or in the corridor. I was trying to question the regular patterns that “A rack is designed for clothes”.
