C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W


All my ill humors I've renounced; From my sun-framed window

I behold untrammeled the beloved world

And dream me out to blissful vistas...

O redolence - from fairytale times.

这是比利时诗人Albert Giraud的诗《月光下的皮埃罗》的最后一段,月光原谅了皮埃罗的罪行,使他得以重返人世。



All my ill humors I've renounced; From my sun-framed window

I behold untrammeled the beloved world

And dream me out to blissful vistas...

O redolence - from fairytale times.

This is the last paragraph of the poem "Pierrot Lunaire" by the Belgian poet Albert Giraud. The moonlight forgives Pierrot, so that he can come back to the world.

In 1900, Debussy was inspired by this poem to write his famous "Clair de lune". I am moved by this music. Every time I close my eyes and hear it, I can see another world. There is no more language, but something deeper.

So I tried to find a method to learn more about this music. As if I could unravel the mystery of its form and beauty.

I started my research by reading an article on synaesthesia, trying to understand how to transform the auditory sense into a visual sense. Then I made a digital "Audio Fingerprint" graph with Marble software. I started trying different materials and I think that water and ink are suitable for transcribing music into a visual work. I made a glass box filled with water, with a sheet of paper at the bottom. I combine the audio print, the digital graphic and the movement of the ink. An attempt to capture the specific imprint of Debussy's music "Clair de lune".

Because of the sanitary situation, I had to stay at home and so I couldn't make a real installation. But I intend to continue this work in order to create a spatial work and an environment in which the spectator can be immersed. Trying to create a visual analogy of the power of music.

My 《restart》 understanding is to create a work that can immerse the viewer in a completely new experience, as a kind of total work of art.

Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune [VIDEO点击播放]
Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune
Clair de Lune


All my ill humors I've renounced; From my sun-framed window

I behold untrammeled the beloved world

And dream me out to blissful vistas...

O redolence - from fairytale times.

这是比利时诗人Albert Giraud的诗《月光下的皮埃罗》的最后一段,月光原谅了皮埃罗的罪行,使他得以重返人世。



All my ill humors I've renounced; From my sun-framed window

I behold untrammeled the beloved world

And dream me out to blissful vistas...

O redolence - from fairytale times.

This is the last paragraph of the poem "Pierrot Lunaire" by the Belgian poet Albert Giraud. The moonlight forgives Pierrot, so that he can come back to the world.

In 1900, Debussy was inspired by this poem to write his famous "Clair de lune". I am moved by this music. Every time I close my eyes and hear it, I can see another world. There is no more language, but something deeper.

So I tried to find a method to learn more about this music. As if I could unravel the mystery of its form and beauty.

I started my research by reading an article on synaesthesia, trying to understand how to transform the auditory sense into a visual sense. Then I made a digital "Audio Fingerprint" graph with Marble software. I started trying different materials and I think that water and ink are suitable for transcribing music into a visual work. I made a glass box filled with water, with a sheet of paper at the bottom. I combine the audio print, the digital graphic and the movement of the ink. An attempt to capture the specific imprint of Debussy's music "Clair de lune".

Because of the sanitary situation, I had to stay at home and so I couldn't make a real installation. But I intend to continue this work in order to create a spatial work and an environment in which the spectator can be immersed. Trying to create a visual analogy of the power of music.

My 《restart》 understanding is to create a work that can immerse the viewer in a completely new experience, as a kind of total work of art.
