C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W

在“RESTART”这个项目中,我探索了重复利用常见的塑料制品和包装的可能性。 我最初的研究是收集和分析一个人每天消耗多少食物,以及这些剩余的食物如何在服装设计中体现。

我从 Mimi Smith 的设计作品中得到了灵感,将研究中收集的所有材料转化为最终作品的原料。


我将废品从身体延伸到袖子,并最终使袖子失去了原有功能,象征着地球上的塑料和废品越来越多的事实。垃圾和天然棉织物相结合,提醒我们作为人类我们仍然是有机世界的一部分,即使对细微的变化也应保持敏感。与此同时,我的最终作品看起来非常乐观和充满活力,通过明亮和有吸引力的包装,吸引更多的顾客,刺激他们购买更多的产品。 这种对比创造了一种讽刺效果。

The idea for Re-using of waists and plastics come from the name of the project RESTART. In this project, I explored the subject of psychological discomfort on staying physically isolated as a vehicle for growth. I was exploring the possibilities of reusing and utilizing plastics and packaging that are commonly used. Part of my research was to collect and analyze how much one person is consuming every day and how those leftovers could be reused in fashion design.

I was inspired of Mimi Smith design works, which used wastes as the material to make fashion and transformed all collected materials from my research and create a surface for my final work.

I framed the surface I made into a very simple and geometric silhouette, which comes from the shape of the window that I have been looking through while was isolating from the world. I realized that every new day is restart for me.

I use the wastes and extend them from the body to the sleeve what make sleeve eventually non-functional as metaphor of the fact that every day the plastic and waste on the earth is more and more and it is also harmful to the environment as the consumption of unhealthy food is destructive to the human body. Ultimately can destroy humanity. I combined the material I made via collecting the waste with the natural cotton fabric to remind us that we are, as humans, still part of the organic world, and sensitive to even a very small changes. At the same time, my final work looks very optimistic and vibrant via the bright and attractive packaging, which was created to attract more customers and stimulate them for buying more products. This contrast creates a feeling of irony and self-criticism at the same time. My final work is metaphor to say that our future should be smarter and less ecologically destructive.

Re-using Wastes
Re-using Wastes
Re-using Wastes
废料再生 细节1
Re-using Wastes
废料再生 细节2
Re-using Wastes
废料再生 材料调研1
Re-using Wastes
废料再生 材料调研2
Re-using Wastes
废料再生 材料调研3
Re-using Wastes

在“RESTART”这个项目中,我探索了重复利用常见的塑料制品和包装的可能性。 我最初的研究是收集和分析一个人每天消耗多少食物,以及这些剩余的食物如何在服装设计中体现。

我从 Mimi Smith 的设计作品中得到了灵感,将研究中收集的所有材料转化为最终作品的原料。


我将废品从身体延伸到袖子,并最终使袖子失去了原有功能,象征着地球上的塑料和废品越来越多的事实。垃圾和天然棉织物相结合,提醒我们作为人类我们仍然是有机世界的一部分,即使对细微的变化也应保持敏感。与此同时,我的最终作品看起来非常乐观和充满活力,通过明亮和有吸引力的包装,吸引更多的顾客,刺激他们购买更多的产品。 这种对比创造了一种讽刺效果。

The idea for Re-using of waists and plastics come from the name of the project RESTART. In this project, I explored the subject of psychological discomfort on staying physically isolated as a vehicle for growth. I was exploring the possibilities of reusing and utilizing plastics and packaging that are commonly used. Part of my research was to collect and analyze how much one person is consuming every day and how those leftovers could be reused in fashion design.

I was inspired of Mimi Smith design works, which used wastes as the material to make fashion and transformed all collected materials from my research and create a surface for my final work.

I framed the surface I made into a very simple and geometric silhouette, which comes from the shape of the window that I have been looking through while was isolating from the world. I realized that every new day is restart for me.

I use the wastes and extend them from the body to the sleeve what make sleeve eventually non-functional as metaphor of the fact that every day the plastic and waste on the earth is more and more and it is also harmful to the environment as the consumption of unhealthy food is destructive to the human body. Ultimately can destroy humanity. I combined the material I made via collecting the waste with the natural cotton fabric to remind us that we are, as humans, still part of the organic world, and sensitive to even a very small changes. At the same time, my final work looks very optimistic and vibrant via the bright and attractive packaging, which was created to attract more customers and stimulate them for buying more products. This contrast creates a feeling of irony and self-criticism at the same time. My final work is metaphor to say that our future should be smarter and less ecologically destructive.
