C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W

对我来说,“重启”就是带着真诚和勇气找寻最初拿起相机的欲望。最后的标题是“nowhere pleased the lonely ”。这个作品创作于2017年至今,拍摄地横跨草原,海洋,荒野,城市楼道的角落。也是在遥远的过去,在不久的将来。每一个地方都记录着我不同阶段时面对的困境和挑战,当然也收获很多,幸福很多。





For me, "restart" is to continue to fulfill the desire of taking up the camera with sincerity and courage. The final title is "no where pleased the lonely". The work was created in 2017 till now, and it has been shot in many places. Each place records the difficulties and challenges I face in different stages. Of course, many of them are happy.

Photos can take us back to the past, as if I still stay in the past stage, familiar with the environment. I occasionally stare at these photos and think about what the past life has brought me. Loneliness used to be an important part of my life. It is because of loneliness that I have time and space to observe the world and take photos. I like to stand on the bridge and watch the crowd disperse. When observation becomes an attitude, I'm used to standing high and looking at the subtle scenery. When I first picked up my camera to take photos, I felt that it was incredible to control the world in the viewfinder. I can feel a force around me. When I see the picture, it encourages me to press the shutter again and again.

I chose black-and-white photos to show my final work because I was in a passive and bad state for a long time. When I see the light, I subconsciously dodge or even collapse...I cry where no one's around. I often want to hide

when I walk down the street. Actually, I do. A dark, dull room is my source of security. It protects me from danger. The world is always disappointing, always timid, always making good people cry and bad people laugh. You're afraid of the clock, you're afraid of eye contact, you're afraid I won't talk. I'm afraid to connect with the world. I'm afraid of losing control. Farewell to the past, we will meet though the camera. I am you, you are me.

Three years ago, I said: I don't know when spring will come, I only see the sunset.

Three years later, I said: winter is over, spring is coming. I still remember your shining eyes in the dark, I believe you will never give.

Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
无处安放的孤独 拍摄侧记1
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
无处安放的孤独 拍摄侧记1
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
无处安放的孤独 拍摄侧记3
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
无处安放的孤独 拍摄侧记4
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely
无处安放的孤独 拍摄侧记5
Nowhere Pleased The Lonely

对我来说,“重启”就是带着真诚和勇气找寻最初拿起相机的欲望。最后的标题是“nowhere pleased the lonely ”。这个作品创作于2017年至今,拍摄地横跨草原,海洋,荒野,城市楼道的角落。也是在遥远的过去,在不久的将来。每一个地方都记录着我不同阶段时面对的困境和挑战,当然也收获很多,幸福很多。





For me, "restart" is to continue to fulfill the desire of taking up the camera with sincerity and courage. The final title is "no where pleased the lonely". The work was created in 2017 till now, and it has been shot in many places. Each place records the difficulties and challenges I face in different stages. Of course, many of them are happy.

Photos can take us back to the past, as if I still stay in the past stage, familiar with the environment. I occasionally stare at these photos and think about what the past life has brought me. Loneliness used to be an important part of my life. It is because of loneliness that I have time and space to observe the world and take photos. I like to stand on the bridge and watch the crowd disperse. When observation becomes an attitude, I'm used to standing high and looking at the subtle scenery. When I first picked up my camera to take photos, I felt that it was incredible to control the world in the viewfinder. I can feel a force around me. When I see the picture, it encourages me to press the shutter again and again.

I chose black-and-white photos to show my final work because I was in a passive and bad state for a long time. When I see the light, I subconsciously dodge or even collapse...I cry where no one's around. I often want to hide

when I walk down the street. Actually, I do. A dark, dull room is my source of security. It protects me from danger. The world is always disappointing, always timid, always making good people cry and bad people laugh. You're afraid of the clock, you're afraid of eye contact, you're afraid I won't talk. I'm afraid to connect with the world. I'm afraid of losing control. Farewell to the past, we will meet though the camera. I am you, you are me.

Three years ago, I said: I don't know when spring will come, I only see the sunset.

Three years later, I said: winter is over, spring is coming. I still remember your shining eyes in the dark, I believe you will never give.
