C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W


这个项目受到了太空和宇宙的启发,以及新冠病毒对我们生活产生的影响。我把它们和“重启”这一主题连接起来。我发现宇航员的衣服有同样的目的:保护和与空间产生距离。我研究了川久保玲和Victor & Rolf的设计,并尝试了新的形状扩展。为了保持距离,我用旧毛衣去模仿了蓬松的宇航服。在这个项目中我也在思考个人的空间,使用了正负形的相互作用,把这个实验从2D转向了3D,使用了星座的概念,转变成褶皱的图案来反映像星空一般的表面。



"The moon does not go too far, we have to go the greatest distance is between us."

This project was inspired by space and the universe, and in the context of the impact that coronaviruses are having on our lives today. It is an important moment that I see as the connection to the topic “Restart”.

I bring the connection between the social distance that we all are experiencing now during the outbreak and the space with the astronauts’ costumes, as well as their functionality in protecting humans from an unfriendly environment.  I did some research about Rei Kawakubo and Victor & Rolf’s designs and experiment with the new shape and silhouette line expansion. To continue the concepts of distance, space and recycling I used old sweaters and imitated the ‘puff look’ of the astronauts’ clothing. I was also questioning about space of each individual and took this to a physical experiment with the transformation of 2D space into the 3D space via human body interaction. I used the idea of a constellation, and transformed it into patterns by smoking the fabric that reflects the light as the surface of the stars.

As a result of my research, I realized that the problem of overproduction and recycling is huge, and the result of consumerism being already visible from space. I decided to bring more practical outcomes to my final work and show the connection of re -using old sweaters as a moment to restart our destructive behavior towards nature, through being more sensitive to environment protection. Futuristic designers of the 1960’s inspired me to use expired membership cards as the material for my final work. 

My final presentations show the idea of no gravity (or floating pieces in space) and possibilities of offering a different order, and replacement in order, to create a new design look.

Restart. [360°旋转观看]
重启 过程1
重启 过程2
重启 过程3
重启 过程4
重启 过程5


这个项目受到了太空和宇宙的启发,以及新冠病毒对我们生活产生的影响。我把它们和“重启”这一主题连接起来。我发现宇航员的衣服有同样的目的:保护和与空间产生距离。我研究了川久保玲和Victor & Rolf的设计,并尝试了新的形状扩展。为了保持距离,我用旧毛衣去模仿了蓬松的宇航服。在这个项目中我也在思考个人的空间,使用了正负形的相互作用,把这个实验从2D转向了3D,使用了星座的概念,转变成褶皱的图案来反映像星空一般的表面。



"The moon does not go too far, we have to go the greatest distance is between us."

This project was inspired by space and the universe, and in the context of the impact that coronaviruses are having on our lives today. It is an important moment that I see as the connection to the topic “Restart”.

I bring the connection between the social distance that we all are experiencing now during the outbreak and the space with the astronauts’ costumes, as well as their functionality in protecting humans from an unfriendly environment.  I did some research about Rei Kawakubo and Victor & Rolf’s designs and experiment with the new shape and silhouette line expansion. To continue the concepts of distance, space and recycling I used old sweaters and imitated the ‘puff look’ of the astronauts’ clothing. I was also questioning about space of each individual and took this to a physical experiment with the transformation of 2D space into the 3D space via human body interaction. I used the idea of a constellation, and transformed it into patterns by smoking the fabric that reflects the light as the surface of the stars.

As a result of my research, I realized that the problem of overproduction and recycling is huge, and the result of consumerism being already visible from space. I decided to bring more practical outcomes to my final work and show the connection of re -using old sweaters as a moment to restart our destructive behavior towards nature, through being more sensitive to environment protection. Futuristic designers of the 1960’s inspired me to use expired membership cards as the material for my final work. 

My final presentations show the idea of no gravity (or floating pieces in space) and possibilities of offering a different order, and replacement in order, to create a new design look.
