C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W




My topic in "RESTART" project is about the family origin. I choose the topic as I’ve found in my research that a problematic family can result in an endless circle. However, the family of origin is a controversial topic, as people may easily go to different extreme points. Some refuse or neglect to face the problematic influence led by the family. Some attribute all dissatisfaction of life to their family and refuse to move on. Some hope that their parents will, at some point, regret the wrong things they have done in the past and change, but it has a small chance, most parents never change.

Through my project I tried to encourage people to evoke our power to cure ourselves by reflecting our feelings represented on these photos. These photos represent a process which relies on yourself to grow and more like a rebirth.

This is a long-term project, so I had enough time to attempt to different medias to illustrate my ideas. Initially, I made several mind maps to clear my mind. Then I drew a simple illustration, trying interactive installations and photography. Finally, I decided to tell a story by photos.

Restart-the Family of Origin
Restart-the Family of Origin
Restart-the Family of Origin
Restart-the Family of Origin
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图1
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图2
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图3
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图4
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图5
Restart-the Family of Origin
重启--原生家庭 草图6
Restart-the Family of Origin




My topic in "RESTART" project is about the family origin. I choose the topic as I’ve found in my research that a problematic family can result in an endless circle. However, the family of origin is a controversial topic, as people may easily go to different extreme points. Some refuse or neglect to face the problematic influence led by the family. Some attribute all dissatisfaction of life to their family and refuse to move on. Some hope that their parents will, at some point, regret the wrong things they have done in the past and change, but it has a small chance, most parents never change.

Through my project I tried to encourage people to evoke our power to cure ourselves by reflecting our feelings represented on these photos. These photos represent a process which relies on yourself to grow and more like a rebirth.

This is a long-term project, so I had enough time to attempt to different medias to illustrate my ideas. Initially, I made several mind maps to clear my mind. Then I drew a simple illustration, trying interactive installations and photography. Finally, I decided to tell a story by photos.
