C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W


在电子游戏世界中,主角的死死生生似乎跟玩家真实的生活并没有多大的联系;玩家所需要做的,只是操纵虚拟人物的行为举止,让自己在虚拟世界中得到愉悦的体验。然而试想一下,电子游戏世界中的角色若是存在自我意识的,主人公在Game Over到Restart前的这一段时间里,他们可能经历着什么?他们是否也有自我意识?作为艺术创作者, 我们以像素风格的二维动画的方式,感性地描绘着虚拟角色在不同游戏世界中的境遇以及心路历程。

In order to diversify my skills, I tried to collaborate with my classmate who studied integrated media in CAFAIFC to make a video about the game character’s feeling as he travels from games to games. These days, many people play games. While, as a player it seems that the life of main character doesn’t make any difference to our real life. However, when the characters were dead, before their rebirth in the video game, will they have feelings or thoughts about it? What kind of experience will they have? As an art student, I made this video to express the character’s feeling and motions with sensibility and subjectivity. In this video, we chose to use the perspective of our main character Trevor who comes from the game called GTA5. We let him get into different game worlds, he goes up on a story trough different styles of universes after he was killed.

This experience was truly rich, I enjoyed much giving life to still as my core study now is product design. I think inter disciplinary knowledge will be something quite common in the future. And I can think about ways to conjugate my interest in all those domains during the course of my studies.

Game Is Strange [VIDEO点击播放]
Game Is Strange
Game Is Strange
Game Is Strange
Game Is Strange
Game Is Strange
奇异游戏 过程1
Game Is Strange
奇异游戏 过程2
Game Is Strange


在电子游戏世界中,主角的死死生生似乎跟玩家真实的生活并没有多大的联系;玩家所需要做的,只是操纵虚拟人物的行为举止,让自己在虚拟世界中得到愉悦的体验。然而试想一下,电子游戏世界中的角色若是存在自我意识的,主人公在Game Over到Restart前的这一段时间里,他们可能经历着什么?他们是否也有自我意识?作为艺术创作者, 我们以像素风格的二维动画的方式,感性地描绘着虚拟角色在不同游戏世界中的境遇以及心路历程。

In order to diversify my skills, I tried to collaborate with my classmate who studied integrated media in CAFAIFC to make a video about the game character’s feeling as he travels from games to games. These days, many people play games. While, as a player it seems that the life of main character doesn’t make any difference to our real life. However, when the characters were dead, before their rebirth in the video game, will they have feelings or thoughts about it? What kind of experience will they have? As an art student, I made this video to express the character’s feeling and motions with sensibility and subjectivity. In this video, we chose to use the perspective of our main character Trevor who comes from the game called GTA5. We let him get into different game worlds, he goes up on a story trough different styles of universes after he was killed.

This experience was truly rich, I enjoyed much giving life to still as my core study now is product design. I think inter disciplinary knowledge will be something quite common in the future. And I can think about ways to conjugate my interest in all those domains during the course of my studies.
