C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W



第一个记忆是我初次游泳的经历。当我还是个孩子的时候,非常害怕游泳。第一次下水是被父母拖下去的,那一刻我觉得自己快要死了。从那时起,我就告诉父母水里有一个鬼魂。那是我的双人间吗? 第二个记忆是我在浴缸里睡了很久,梦见自己变成了一个水精灵,成了莎士比亚笔下的角色奥菲莉亚睡在浴缸里,就像睡在河里一样。第三个记忆是上学时喜欢睡在车里,甚至想一直睡在车里不去上学。


For our final project, the topic was "restart". I hear the word "restart" as a reflection on our lives and I think about what I have done and said in the past. So I would like to be able to show in my project the relationship between my past and my present.

My idea comes from the film "Big Fish". The film is about a father who likes to tell stories to his son. These memories, when they are told, become strange and fantastic things. I'd like to talk about my childhood and the magic associated with it. So some of the memories of my childhood, when I think back, are a bit like dreams.

My first memory is my first swimming experience. When I was a child, I was very afraid to swim. And the very first time I was dragged into the water by my parents. At that moment, I felt like I was going to die. From that moment on, I told my parents that there was a ghost in the water. Is it my double?

My second memory is about me sleeping in a bathtub for a long time. I dreamt that I became some kind of water fairy. So I became the character of Shakespeare, Ophelia sleeping in the bathtub as if I was sleeping in a river...

My third memory is about the fact that I liked to sleep in the car when I went to school, and that I would have liked to keep sleeping in the car to miss school.

So I'm going to make a little film that shows all these memories. Trying, like in Alice in Wonderland, to combine reality with fantasies and dreams to create unexpected visions.

记忆 细节1
记忆 细节2
记忆 细节3
记忆 细节4



第一个记忆是我初次游泳的经历。当我还是个孩子的时候,非常害怕游泳。第一次下水是被父母拖下去的,那一刻我觉得自己快要死了。从那时起,我就告诉父母水里有一个鬼魂。那是我的双人间吗? 第二个记忆是我在浴缸里睡了很久,梦见自己变成了一个水精灵,成了莎士比亚笔下的角色奥菲莉亚睡在浴缸里,就像睡在河里一样。第三个记忆是上学时喜欢睡在车里,甚至想一直睡在车里不去上学。


For our final project, the topic was "restart". I hear the word "restart" as a reflection on our lives and I think about what I have done and said in the past. So I would like to be able to show in my project the relationship between my past and my present.

My idea comes from the film "Big Fish". The film is about a father who likes to tell stories to his son. These memories, when they are told, become strange and fantastic things. I'd like to talk about my childhood and the magic associated with it. So some of the memories of my childhood, when I think back, are a bit like dreams.

My first memory is my first swimming experience. When I was a child, I was very afraid to swim. And the very first time I was dragged into the water by my parents. At that moment, I felt like I was going to die. From that moment on, I told my parents that there was a ghost in the water. Is it my double?

My second memory is about me sleeping in a bathtub for a long time. I dreamt that I became some kind of water fairy. So I became the character of Shakespeare, Ophelia sleeping in the bathtub as if I was sleeping in a river...

My third memory is about the fact that I liked to sleep in the car when I went to school, and that I would have liked to keep sleeping in the car to miss school.

So I'm going to make a little film that shows all these memories. Trying, like in Alice in Wonderland, to combine reality with fantasies and dreams to create unexpected visions.
