C A F A I F C   G R A D U A T I O N   S H O W

在开始做“两个字海报”的日常作品时,我已经完全失去了时间概念。隔离在家的两个月里几乎都没看日历。三月初的时候我计划为以前做的一个叫“堵在京密路” 的视频做个续集,设定在未来的荒废世界。做这个动画的过程又兴奋又煎熬。做到一半的时候,我觉得实在应该换个方向,再看看“重新开始”这个课题还有什么别的途径。老是活在我创造的繁琐世界里面让我有点烦了,我准备每天早上都重启一遍。

一开始没有什么固定的计划,但我决定每天拿两个字做一个海报。第一天我随便点开京东的网站,在首页上,“格力”立马跳了出来,它旁边有“家电”。格力电器的英文是GREE, 跟GREEK就差一个字母。我拿着这两个词,鼓捣了半个小时以后就做成了第一个海报——一个古希腊步兵盯着个吸尘器。

做完第三张海报后,我对这一系列的风格和走向有了更多的把握。我每天早上会随便打开一个网站,从广告和财经新闻的丛林里选两个词。然后开始在本子上画草图,画这两个词让我想到的画面。大概完成以后,拍张照片,把草图发到电脑上。本子 ,电脑来回来去。过程虽挺好玩但依旧还是个挑战。有时候我能在一个网站盯一个多小时也选不出来个新鲜的词。可以说是霉运,但这我也让我思考是否设定的这些规则有点太局限了。


The poster with two words routine started when I had completely lost a sense of time and looked at a calendar in weeks, in the second month of distancing at home. After making a (still unfinished, by the time of writing) video that is a dystopian sequel to the ‘Traffic in Jingmi Rd’ video from a previous unit, a process that was both exhilarating and infuriating. It made me want to take another route with ‘Restart’. Instead of looking back at my previous projects, I wanted to restart every morning.

I had a scrappy plan of finding two words each day, and making a poster with them, but I didn’t know where the words were going to come from. So I began with jd.com. - a Chinese online retailer. On the homepage was ‘GREE’, an electrics company with a great name, and not far below it was appliances. ‘GREE’ somehow became ‘GREEK’ when I read it, and half an hour later it became the first poster - a hoplite looking at a vacuum cleaner.

After the third poster, I had a much better sense of direction with both the style and process of this new project. I would choose two word from a different website each day, finding the right ones in a jungle of finance news and advertisements. Then I would sketch whatever image that the two words made me think of on paper, transferring a photo of it to my laptop to reconstruct and color. It would be a constant back and forth between notepad and screen, using Airdrop to mail my drawings to the loud robot. It was incredibly fun, but still a challenge. I could be looking at a website for hours on end and not find any word that were eccentric but also dead-pan. Sometimes it’s bad luck, but it also made me think whether the rules needed to be this defined and whether I could alter it day by day.

Eight posters have been made so far, there are also a few out-takes from the week and half since I started this exciting mess. I can’t really predict what tomorrow looks like, but when it came to drawing for me, I’ve always had a backlog of ideas. For this, I didn’t need to think back on what I haven’t yet visualized, instead I looked for a new treasure every morning. This project broke how I approached drawing for the better.

A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
A Poster with Two Words
两个字的海报 草图
A Poster with Two Words

在开始做“两个字海报”的日常作品时,我已经完全失去了时间概念。隔离在家的两个月里几乎都没看日历。三月初的时候我计划为以前做的一个叫“堵在京密路” 的视频做个续集,设定在未来的荒废世界。做这个动画的过程又兴奋又煎熬。做到一半的时候,我觉得实在应该换个方向,再看看“重新开始”这个课题还有什么别的途径。老是活在我创造的繁琐世界里面让我有点烦了,我准备每天早上都重启一遍。

一开始没有什么固定的计划,但我决定每天拿两个字做一个海报。第一天我随便点开京东的网站,在首页上,“格力”立马跳了出来,它旁边有“家电”。格力电器的英文是GREE, 跟GREEK就差一个字母。我拿着这两个词,鼓捣了半个小时以后就做成了第一个海报——一个古希腊步兵盯着个吸尘器。

做完第三张海报后,我对这一系列的风格和走向有了更多的把握。我每天早上会随便打开一个网站,从广告和财经新闻的丛林里选两个词。然后开始在本子上画草图,画这两个词让我想到的画面。大概完成以后,拍张照片,把草图发到电脑上。本子 ,电脑来回来去。过程虽挺好玩但依旧还是个挑战。有时候我能在一个网站盯一个多小时也选不出来个新鲜的词。可以说是霉运,但这我也让我思考是否设定的这些规则有点太局限了。


The poster with two words routine started when I had completely lost a sense of time and looked at a calendar in weeks, in the second month of distancing at home. After making a (still unfinished, by the time of writing) video that is a dystopian sequel to the ‘Traffic in Jingmi Rd’ video from a previous unit, a process that was both exhilarating and infuriating. It made me want to take another route with ‘Restart’. Instead of looking back at my previous projects, I wanted to restart every morning.

I had a scrappy plan of finding two words each day, and making a poster with them, but I didn’t know where the words were going to come from. So I began with jd.com. - a Chinese online retailer. On the homepage was ‘GREE’, an electrics company with a great name, and not far below it was appliances. ‘GREE’ somehow became ‘GREEK’ when I read it, and half an hour later it became the first poster - a hoplite looking at a vacuum cleaner.

After the third poster, I had a much better sense of direction with both the style and process of this new project. I would choose two word from a different website each day, finding the right ones in a jungle of finance news and advertisements. Then I would sketch whatever image that the two words made me think of on paper, transferring a photo of it to my laptop to reconstruct and color. It would be a constant back and forth between notepad and screen, using Airdrop to mail my drawings to the loud robot. It was incredibly fun, but still a challenge. I could be looking at a website for hours on end and not find any word that were eccentric but also dead-pan. Sometimes it’s bad luck, but it also made me think whether the rules needed to be this defined and whether I could alter it day by day.

Eight posters have been made so far, there are also a few out-takes from the week and half since I started this exciting mess. I can’t really predict what tomorrow looks like, but when it came to drawing for me, I’ve always had a backlog of ideas. For this, I didn’t need to think back on what I haven’t yet visualized, instead I looked for a new treasure every morning. This project broke how I approached drawing for the better.
