ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

在ReTurn这个课题中,我重新思考了关于投胎以及生与死的问题。我的灵感来自于我自己的生活经历。我总是在生活遇到困难的时候说出“我好想死”这句话。或许浅意识中我想逃避这一切,但我有时候也会真的在想我死后会上天堂吗?还是我应该会下地狱呢?还是我会投胎成另一个人或动物呢? 好的投胎,就像人在天堂一样。但是天堂真的像我们想象的那样美丽吗?祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。 Goody Inc.是一个虚构存在于未来的劝世公司。我们帮助我们的顾客以不同的视角来看待生命,让人们找回生命的美好,尤其是在生活不如意的时候。我们通过一系列的产品与服务来宣传我们的理念。像是海报,在眼镜不同的视角里,有时候佛魔就只是在一念之间,事情的正反面都是自己的一念之差。还有天堂与地狱的沉浸式体验,启发人们对生命的新的感悟。当你感到非常厌世的时候也不妨看看我们的书。希望我们都能RETURN到属于我们生命中的美好。 Goody Inc.:“Wish you a good life”.

The theme "ReTurn" made me think and research about reincarnation as well as life and death. My inspiration comes from my own life experience. I always say “I want to die” when life is difficult. Maybe I’m trying to escape all in a superficial way, but I also wonder sometimes if I’ll go to heaven after I die? Or will I go to hell? Or will I be reborn as another human being or animal? A good reincarnation or a good rebirth, just like people being in heaven. But is heaven really as beautiful as we imagine? "Misfortune depends on blessing, and fortune lies in misfortune." Goody Inc. is a future fictional company, aiming at persuasion. We help our clients to see life from a different perspective, and let people find the beauty of life, especially when life is not satisfactory. We promote our philosophy through a collection of products and services. Such as the poster, from different perspectives of glasses, Buddha could turn into a demon within the blink of an eye, which reminds users that the positive and negative of things are simply two sides of the same coin. There are also VR immersive experiences provided of heaven and hell that inspire new insights into life. When you feel very tired of the world, you might as well read our books. Hope we can all RETURN to the beauty that belongs to our life. Goody Inc.: "Wish you a good life".

蔡依彤 视觉传达
蔡依彤 视觉传达
蔡依彤 视觉传达
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蔡依彤 视觉传达
蔡依彤 视觉传达
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