ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

21世纪,我们的“宗教”会是什么,在生物科技和计算机算法的协助下,这些宗教不但会控制我们每分每秒的存在,甚至重塑我们的身体、大脑和心灵,创造出完整的虚拟世界。真要如此,再区分虚构与真实、宗教与科学,将会变得更加困难,但又比以往更加重要。———《人类简史》 假设人类的发展走向了错误的道路,人类沉浸于虚拟世界,自然环境逐渐恶化,在一个平行宇宙中的公元2115年,有一个被称为「RETURN」的计划启动。科学家设计出了时光旅行的机器,史学家将加入时光旅行的队伍改变历史。他携带了许多史料,建立了一个网站,希望能影响人们的看法。人们往往在犯下错误后才知道悔改,我的设计正是要营造这样一种氛围。内容将以非线性的方式排列,以纪实的方式展现,你将会看到一部简史,这些事件以现在并不乐观的自然环境,以及人们沉浸网络中的虚拟世界等社会问题为基础,推演并以艺术化的方式设想可能出现的问题,以视觉的方式展现出来。 作品网页:

Assuming that human development is on the wrong path, human beings are immersed in the virtual world and the natural environment is gradually deteriorating. In a parallel universe, a plan called 「RETURN」 was launched in 2115 A.D. Scientists have designed a time travel machine, and historians will join the team of time travel to change history. He carried a lot of historical materials and set up a website in the hope of influencing people's views. People often repent after making mistakes. My design is to create such an atmosphere. The content will be arranged in a non-linear way and displayed in a documentary way. You will see a brief history. I deduce and imagine the possible problems artistically based on the current not optimistic natural environment and social problems such as people's immersion in the virtual world on the Internet.

侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
侯钧诚 视觉传达
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