ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

第一次看到毕业课题“Re-Turn”,我就想到了我的家乡山东菏泽。我想为附近的社区建造一些有用的建筑。当我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢一个人在外面看云。因此我把元这个元素运用到了作品中。 我的家乡靠近黄河,所以我想选择社区附近的场地作为项目地点。我从弗朗西斯凯雷的作品中获得了灵感。他的家乡布基纳法索是非洲最贫穷的国家之一。在国外学习多年之后,他回到了自己的国家,在家乡建立了第一所学校。后来,我发现“混合泥土”可以作为当地的材料使用,在某些位置大量使用来自建筑工地周围的粘土、沙子和砾石,这是对旧材料以生态而有趣的方式再利用。经过一系列调研之后,我选择一个离周边几所小学不远的河边广场,设计了一个由柱子支撑住的二层图书馆,并且有一个屋顶露台可以用于阅读和休闲。我用Rhino制作了3D模型,用Lumion完成了最终渲染。

When I first saw the theme Re-Turn, I thought of my hometown Heze, Shandong in East of China. I wanted to create some useful project for the community that lives nearby. Suddenly I found the cloud is a good Idea, because when I was a child I liked to observe clouds when I’m alone outside. My hometown is near by the Yellow River, so I chose the site near my community as the location. Then I found two good references. The first one is Francis Kéré's work, Gando Primary School, in his hometown in Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in Africa. He came back to his country after studying aboard for many years, and built the first school in his hometown. Secondly, I found that “Rammed Earth” can be used as local material, using basically clay, sand and gravel from the surroundings of the construction site in certain locations, which is a very ecological and interesting old material that can be used in new ways. After some studies I chose an empty square by the river which is not very far from several schools in my area, and then I proposed a 2 floors high library which are separated from the ground by pillars and where the roof top can be used to watch the river while reading or having a drink. I used Rhinoceros for making my 3D model and then I did the render in Lumion.

刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
刘志亮 空间设计
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