ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

我的作品"Return"来自于我在经过垃圾转运站时,看到很多被丢弃的、无法再利用的衣服而产生的想法。在快速销售的时代,很多衣服都是带着标签留在家里的,而且往往在一段时间后就被丢弃,因为已经过了季节和潮流。消费者不断购买新的快销品,因为当物品变旧或破损时,他们可以以低价购买新的产品。我想通过这个项目向工匠们致敬,表达即使破损,这些物品也能以其他形式重生。 在尹秀珍的启发下,我打算重新利用剩余材料,尝试创造一些新的面料和颜色组合。通过进一步研究,我意识到牛仔布的生产需要大量的人力、地球和化学资源。我也发现牛仔布作为最耐用的布料之一,是被工人大量穿着的。这就是我在最后的作品中使用衬衫和工装的原因。 我在破损和修复的概念基础上进行了面料实验,并使用了一些旧的牛仔布料,通过漂白尝试图案开发。 我发现Peter Gentenaar的艺术作品中不实用的服装层次和折叠之美的一些相似之处,并进行了折叠实验,最后成为最终作品的元素。 Yeesokyung的艺术作品引领了我的解构过程。我使用传统的拼接方法,通过收集和使用旧的牛仔布片来发展我的最终设计理念,并转换为新的服装外观。最后,我使用数字软件完成了最终作品,以加强生态友好型未来的理念。

My project ReTurn came from idea that inspired me when I passed the garbage station and saw a lot of clothes that were discarded and could not be reused. In the era of fast selling, many of the clothes are left at home with tags on, and often discarded after a period of time due to be out dated of season and trends. Consumers keep buying new fast selling products because they can buy new ones at a low price when items turn old or broken. I want to pay tribute to craftsmen through this project, demonstrating that even if broken, these items can be reborn in other forms. Inspired by Xiuzhen Yin, I intend to reuse short cuts and leftover materials and experimented to create some new surfaces and colour mix that I used as details in my work. By doing further research I realise that denim fabric required a lot of Human, Earth and chemical resources to be produced. By doing the historical research I found out that denim one of the most durable fabric was worn by workers. That was the reason I used the main garments like shirt and overalls for my final work. I develop more textile experimentations based on the idea broken and repair and use some old denim fabric and play with the pattern development by bleacher. I found some similarity between the layers of not useful garments and folded beauty of Peter Gentenaar’s art work and develop into the folding experimentations that inserted as part of my final design work. Yeesokyung art work lead me with the process of deconstruction and I use the traditional approach patchwork to develop my final design ideas by collecting and using old denim pieces and convert to the new garment look. Eventually I use the digital software to create my final work that is reinforcing the idea of developing more ecologically friendly future.

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