ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

我的毕业设计出发点是“Re-Turn”,灵感来自于法国歌曲《无人区玫瑰》。这首歌让我回到了第一次世界大战时期,当时红十字会的护士在前线志愿服务,帮助受伤的士兵。 而如今,人们正在经历一段非常艰难的抗疫时期,我想到了护士和医务人员,他们就像士兵一样,以极大的同情和耐心帮助许多人。在我看来,如今的护士就像天使,给我们带来希望和光明。 在我的项目中,主要元素是来自《无人区玫瑰》这首歌曲中反复提到的花朵。同时我还发现了与洛可可时期的联系。在洛可可时期,到处都可以看到像病毒一样发散的花朵。我发展了洛可可风格中巨大的廓形,使用ClO 3D和Nomad软件制作了最终作品,并用医疗设备(输液袋和试管)覆盖了服装表面,以表现防护服的保护效果。 无论在哪个时代,总有女性为人民提供帮助。我希望通过这个项目展示和颂扬女护士像在荒原上盛开的美丽玫瑰的力量和温柔魅力。

‘There's a rose that grows on "No Man'sLand" And it's wonderful to see, Tho' its spray'd with tears, it will live for years, In my garden of memory.’ For my final graduation project the starting point was ‘RE-turn” I found inspiration in the song "The Rose of No Man’s Land", that brings me back to the time of World War I when Red Cross nurses were volunteering and helped wounded soldiers in the front line. Nowadays many people are experiencing a very hard time with pandemic, I am particularly thinking of nurses and medical stuff who are like soldiers for me helping many people with great compassion and patience. Nurses nowadays are regarded as angels, bringing us hope and light. In my project, the main elements are flowers that come from the song I mentioned and I found the connecting to Rococo period where flowers seen everywhere, spreading like virus. I develop the idea of spread and extended silhouette line of Rococo style that is common in hairstyle and create collage of combining those ideas and virus together for my final work. I used ClO 3D software to produce my final work and covered the expanded shapes with medical equipment to show like a shelter to protect. Whether in modern times or in the past, there are always female workers who provide help to the people. I hope to use this project to show the power and soft charm of female nurses. They are the beautiful roses blooming on the wasteland.

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