ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

我的项目围绕主题“ReTurn”展开。 在冬天的一个傍晚,我在马路边等车,路边的灯照在了我的身上,无聊时我打开了手机翻看着以前的相册,很多照片我已经不记得当时为什么要拍,可能只是想记录一下,一张张照片记录了我做的事情和我的爱好,但我发现几乎所有的事情都不是在我主观意识下所做的,我开始疑惑自己究竟想要做的是什么事情,这些想法、行为仿佛都是因别人而起,在快节奏的生活中我仿佛失去了发掘能力,我的价值又从何处体现?我一切喜欢做的事情变成了别人给予的,但是对此我又能从中得到动力,我一直不愿意去审视从前的自己,这会影响我的情绪,但是当我在面对未来将要发生的事情时我似乎并不是很清楚。就像我站在路灯的正下方,那里的光最为明亮,亮的可以遮盖住我的影子照亮我前方的事物,当我移步往下一个路灯前进时,前面的路逐渐变得模糊,身后的影子逐渐拉长,清晰地显现在了我的身后。每一个路灯代表着我的目标,而我的下一个路灯很长,这就意味着在过程中我将全部被我的过去所掩盖。 所以我选择了用视频的形式记录了过去我受到的影响以及状态,当我完成剪辑把它放到一个陈旧的电视中观看时,我制造了属于自己的路灯,在这个视频里,我的影子和我的未来都回归到了我自己的身上。我发现自己善于制造"路灯"并不擅长刻意回避自己所受到的影响。外界会对我造成各种影响并且我无法改变和回避,就像光会被各种物质改变其传播路线。 通过这个视频我希望观看者可以勇于建造属于自己的"路灯" 。

On a winter evening, I was waiting for a bus on the side of the road, and the roadside light shone on me. When I was bored, I turned on my mobile phone and looked through the previous album. I don't remember why I took many photos at that time. Maybe I just wanted to make a record. Photos recorded what I did and my hobbies, but I found that almost everything was not done under my subjective consciousness, I began to wonder what I wanted to do. These thoughts and behaviors seemed to be caused by others. In the fast-paced life, I seemed to have lost my ability to explore. Where did my value come from? Everything I like to do is given by others, but I can get motivation from it. I have been reluctant to examine myself in the past, which will affect my mood, but when I face what will happen in the future, I don't seem to know very well. Just as I stand right under the street lamp, the light there is the brightest, which can cover my shadow and illuminate the things in front of me. When I move to the next street lamp, the road in front gradually becomes blurred, and the shadow behind me gradually lengthens and clearly appears behind me. Each street lamp represents my goal, and my next street lamp is far away from me, which means that in the process, I will be completely covered up by my past. So I chose to record my influence and status in the past in the form of video. When I finished editing and put it on an old TV, I made my own street lamp. In this video, my shadow and my future returned to myself. I found that I was good at making "street lamps" and was not good at deliberately avoiding the influence I was affected by. The outside world will have various influences on me, and I can't change and avoid it, just as light will be changed by various substances. Through this video, I hope viewers can have the courage to build their own "street lamps".

李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
李昀航 视觉传达
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