ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

“ReTurn”这个主题让我联想到了⽇本的“⽆缘社会”现象。居住在城镇中的高龄、⽆⼦⼥、失业、不婚的⼈在世时很少与亲戚朋友来往,这些“没有亲⼈”、“与⼈没有关联”的群体被称为“⽆缘者”。反观中国社会现状,也存在着相似的“无缘者”,例如那些缺少情感寄托和家庭生活独自在大城市打拼的空巢⻘年,他们逃避真实社交,独⾃⽣活,⽇复⼀⽇。 我的作品描绘了中国空巢⻘年的⽣活轨迹,以“⻥”这个排斥异⼰种群的意象暗示主线。故事的主⻆一方面不断疏离社会关系,想要一心一意地过自己的生活,另一方面却是在逐渐老去时重新⾯临孤独终⽼的问题。画⾯中新⻥替代⽼去的⻥继续⽣活,也是⼀种从孤独⽣到孤独死的循环,折射出我对于Re-Turn这一主题的解读。

The inspiration of my work “ReTurn” came from a very common phenomenon of "social marginalisation” in Japan. Those elderly, childless, unemployed and unmarried people are living in cities and towns who barely contact with relatives and friends during their lifetime. Individuals who are relegating to the fringe of society, having no connections to relatives and friends, are called "social marginalisation". In contrast, Chinese society is experiencing a similar situation. Those empty-nesters who lack of emotional supports and family life struggle alone in big cities, escaping from the in-depth social connections and living in solitude. My work depicts the life trajectory of Chinese empty-nest youth, and the imagery of “fish” is emblematic of those who repel their own species. The protagonist, on one hand, is constantly withdrawing from social relationships and trying to live his life single-mindedly, on the other hand, he is facing the problem of dying alone with the aging. In my animation, the old fish is replaced by the newly born fish, and continues to live. It is a cycle from born in loneliness to dead in solitude, reflecting my interpretation of the theme of “RETURN”.

高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
高晨曦 综合媒体
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