ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

ReTurn这个课题中,我的灵感来自于小野洋子的表演《切片》。由此,我开始重新斟酌我作品中的女性身份。我的最初调研始于男性和女性的时尚。我了解了其中对桎梏身体的不同方式,而这种限制正是被它本身的时空框架和社会对美丽标准的期待所影响的。我的灵感同时也来源于芭芭拉•克鲁格海报所述的“你的身体即是战场”。这也是我的概念“把身体作为画布”。 在调研中,我发现了当今社会处处充斥着对女性或男性形象的社会批判及性别歧视,这也限制了审美多样性的发展。女权艺术家莉莉•凡•斯托克的作品及露西•奥塔的面料横幅也了引导着我去了解在历史语境下早期女权艺术家引领的运动中通过文字传达的信息。 在最终作品中,我使用图像作为视觉语言,即将表演赋予一个雕塑的外观,以表现中国古代绑小脚的疼痛。玛丽亚•艾斯库拉的艺术作品让我想到用丝袜作为材料去创造身体的膨胀的外观,并且将其作为对自然美丽的一种疼痛桎梏的象征。我从历史上对女性的种种刻板印象中选取了花朵元素,并从安娜•梅迪耶塔的作品中获得灵感,发展了将身体作为雕塑的这一概念。 我把这个概念当作我的表演的基础,表达对这些先入为主的观念和社会对女性角色的期待的对抗。在最终的表演中,我的朋友是像《切片》中小野洋子那样被定义的角色,而我则是代表社会期待的角色,将花、珍珠和关于不客观印象的文字等元素加在她的身体上。

In this project ReTurn, I was inspired by the performance of Yoko Ono called Cut Piece, which is about the desecration of female body, and it guided me to reconsider the concept of female identity in my project. I started from the research about men’s and female’s fashion where I realized that the restriction to the body were executed through out different methods that influenced by its own time frame and social expectation about the standard of beauty. I was also inspired by Barbara Kruger’s poster says, “YOUR BODY IS A BATTLEGROUND” and used it as concept to work with body as a canvas. During my research I also found out that nowadays the role of social judgements and gender cliches about being female or male can be seen everywhere, and it limits the development of aesthetic diversity. Inspired by the feminist artist, Lily Van Stocker’s work and textile banners of Lucy Orta, I was led to learn about the message passed though written language that being seen in historical context and in protest movement led by early feminists. I used the graphic as visual language to show in my final work as performance to apply for a sculptural look that showing a painful change of the human body that came from the bounded feet in China. Inspired by artist’s work from María Ezcurra, I took tights as material to create a bumped look to the body and declared as a one of the painful restrictions to the natural beauty. I got the element flower from the inherent impression in history, and with inspiration from Ana Mendieta’s work, I was able to develop the body as a sculpture. I used it as a base for my performance and declared the manifest with it against those preconceptions and social expectation of female role in the society. In my final performance, with my friend playing the role of being defined like Yoko Ono in Cut Piece, I was able to play the role of social expectation and put the elements on her body like flowers, pearls, and the written words which is about inherent impression.

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费晓妍 时尚设计
费晓妍 时尚设计
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