我认为“ReTurn”是“重回”、“返回”的意思。如今由于人类大量使用化石燃料与滥砍滥伐,导致温室效应加剧,引发全球变暖问题,其带来的后果将威胁人类生存,如海平面上升、森林大火等。 森林一向被誉为“地球之肺”。亚马逊森林的火灾使得数万平方公里的热带雨林被损毁。为了让人们切身体会其严重性,呼吁保护环境,我的作品将地表温度升高和人体温度升高联系在一起,把原本感觉离我们很远的事物,以视觉化的方式让人们直接地体会。希望我的作品能引起人们对全球变暖的关注,让地球的温度“Return”。
I perceive "ReTurn" as "recover". Today's abusive use of fossil fuels and indiscriminate logging have led to greenhouse effect and global warming, with consequences that threaten the survival, such as rising sea levels and forest fires. The fires in the Amazon forest have destroyed tens of thousands of square kilometers of tropical forest, and in order to make people understand the seriousness of this problem and to call for the protection of the environment, my work visually links the rise in surface temperature with the rise in human body temperature. I hope this project will provide people a direct visual experience of something that feels far away, meanwhile draws attention to global warming and make the earth's temperature "return".