ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

第一次看到“ReTurn”这个话题的时候,就想到要回去重新开始,这让我想到了“Regret”这个词。 后悔是每个人都经历过的事情。当人们犯错或对自己的选择不满意时,他们会感到后悔。他们总是幻想自己可以回到过去改变前因后果。但人们不可能总是通过幻想来逃避现实。 所以我制作了一本互动型故事书。故事的开头和结尾已经确定,无法更改。但是可以选择中间的情节。这本书的主人公是一颗种子。这颗种子的成长会有很多好的和坏的转折,这些转折将由读者选择。读者在一次又一次地选择,和返回改变选择之后,他们会意识到返回和重新选择不会改变结局。 这本书模拟了人们的后悔过程。在这本书中,当你对中间的情节不满意时,你可以回去修改它,但你会发现即使修改了很多次,也不会改变结局。 我的作品是为了是鼓励人们走向现实,面对现实,接受现实的不变性。保持冷静并继续前进。

When I first saw this topic "ReTurn", I thought about going back and restart, which brought me to the word "Regret". Regret is something that everyone has experienced. People feel regret when they make mistakes or dissatisfied with their choices. They always fantasize that they can go back to the past to change the cause and thus change the consequence. But people can't always escape reality through fantasy. So I made an interactive storybook. The beginning and end of the story are already set and cannot be changed. But the middle plot can be chosen. The protagonist of this book is a seed. There will be many good and bad turns in the growth of this seed, and these turns will be chosen by readers. After choosing and returning to the choices over and over again, readers will realize that going back and re-choosing will not change the ending. This book simulates the mechanism of regret. In this book, when you are not satisfied with the middle plots, you can go back and modify it, but you will find that even if you modify it many times, the ending will not be changed. My work is to encourage people to face the reality, and accept the immutability of reality. To keep calm and carry on.

高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
高承羽 视觉传达
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