ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

这个项目的主题是ReTurn,我将它解读为回到世界的原始状态。我们通过获得知识来接受教育,然后用知识来创造世界,而实际上我们在自我毁灭。因此,我想回到没有文明的时代。 环境污染、全球变暖或花费金钱和人工智能就像禁忌。然而,它们未能使人类的生活更方便,反而给我们的日常生活带来很大的麻烦。这听起来就像巴比伦塔的故事:人类正在建造一座塔,试图触摸天空,但雷声把塔砸成了两半。在这一部分的研究中,我决定探索拼贴艺术对沟通的破坏。 塔的形状像人,因为作品是关于提醒自己什么是自我毁灭。在塔的周围,有不同的建筑。这意味着我们建造的东西总有一天会把自己拖垮。 最后的作品是将许多相同的图片组合在一起。第一次使用灰色和红色,这是一种古代葬礼的造型,意味着科技带给人类的自我毁灭,绿色的碎片则代表地球变好的希望。

The theme of this project is ReTurn, which in my opinion means to return to the original state of the world. We, human beings, receive education by acquiring knowledge and then use the knowledge to create the world, while actually we are destroying the world and make it worse. Therefore, I would like to go back to the ancient time when there is no such as technological development that is for us a big question will it be used for good or eventually we win humans and distort the planet. Recently, human beings have used too many technology skills to touch the taboo such as environmental pollution, global warming or spending money and time to create the artificial intelligence. However, they fail to make human life more convenient and make large trouble for our daily lives. It just sounds like the story of the Babylonian Tower: human beings are making a tower trying to touch the sky, but the thunder has broken the tower in half. From this part of research I decide to explore the way of damaging to communicate though collage technique and use it the most beautiful building to deconstruct them and turn to the human body and skull. Based on the research about knowledge in past I use the symbol in Chinese culture for representing funeral and inspired by artist of digital generation Beeple. He led me to develop my work and use the Adobe Photoshop to copy my work with color adjustment to represent the culture of consumerism and danger of it. I choose the red colour because strong colour is a symbol of danger and seen on city explosion form fire or nuclear bombs. I develop same idea but use the green colour to represent the part of nature and integrate the colour of blue and bright green but also the impact of industrialisation and technological development caused pollution that comes with it. I changed the brightness of positive blue and green color and faded away as it would happen with the air pollution and created a new work that conveys the symbols of Earth to keep the hope for better future.

斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
斯亮 纯艺术
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