我的作品是一个关于“ReTurn”的虚构短片,叫作《不能消除的遗憾》。短片讲述了一位成年女性下班回家途中,经过学校时回想起曾遭受过的校园暴力,并穿越回自己的高中时代,试图通过成年人的方式拯救学生时代的自己,但却因一些原因没有成功。 据统计,很多被霸凌者患有不同程度的心理疾病,严重者甚至会轻生。虽然完全避免校园暴力非常困难,但我想通过我的创作呼吁大家不要旁观暴行,更不做施暴者。
My work is a fictional short film about "ReTurn" and it called "Irreplaceable Regret". The short film tells the story of a woman, who, on her way home from work, recalled the school violence she had suffered when passing by her high school. She tried to save herself in her student days through adult means, but failed for some reasons. According to statistics, many bullied people keep suffering from different degrees of mental illness, and even commit suicide in severe cases. Although it is very difficult to completely avoid school violence, I would like to appeal to everyone through my work not to be an onlooker of the violence, and also never to be a bully.