ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

“ReTurn”在我看来代表着从起点到终点,再重新出发从终点回到起点。这让我想到在这个浩瀚无垠的宇宙中,太阳东升西落,月亮阴晴圆缺,周而复始,宇宙间的万物都处在这个循环之中。每当我们抬头仰望天空的时候,天空总会给予我们思考。因此,在这个主题中,我想设计一款可以模仿太阳光和月光的灯,把它放在天花板上,每当人们想要在黑暗中找寻光线,就可以抬头看看这盏可以照亮我们生活的灯。 我为这款灯设计了两种模式,一种是白天的天空,每当我们打开它,这款灯会洒下像阳光的光线,投射在人们身上,使人们感到温暖,不管他们身处哪里,当灯光洒下来,人们就仿佛置身在大自然。 我的灵感源于天窗,打开天窗,人们坐在车里可以看到头顶上的景色。天窗的设计使得车内的空气流通,人们还可以抬头看蓝天。因此,我想为在无法安装天窗的地下室设计一款模仿太阳光线的灯,使得原本阴暗的地下室变得不再阴冷,使人们仿佛沐浴在阳光之下。

The word "ReTurn" means starting from the beginning to the end and starting again from the end to the beginning. It reminds me of a vast universe in which the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the moon waxes and wanes. Everything in the universe is in this cycle. Whenever we look up at the sky, it always makes people think. Therefore, in this theme, I want to design a lamp that can imitate sunlight and moonlight, and put it on the ceiling. Whenever people want to look for light in the dark, they can look up and see this lamp that can illuminate our life. I designed two modes for this lamp, one is the daytime sky. Whenever people turn it on, the lamp will shed light like sunlight, which will be projected on people, making them feel warm, no matter where they are, when the light of this lamp falls down, people will feel as if they are in nature. One of my inspiration for this project comes from the car skylight, which allows people to sit in the car and see the scenery overhead. The design of the skylight allows the air inside the car to circulate and people can also look up at the blue sky. Therefore, I want to design a lamp that imitates the sun's rays for the basement where skylights cannot be installed, so that the original dark basement is no longer bleak and cold, and people seem to be bathed in sunshine.

王景新 3D设计
王景新 3D设计
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王景新 3D设计
王景新 3D设计
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王景新 3D设计
王景新 3D设计
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