ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

课题的主题“ReTurn”让我联想到从二维到三维到四维,再回到原点的画面。对我来说这是一个有趣的过程。我观察到,从一开始的一点到两点,直线可以构成你想改变的一切。线条的可变性和可塑性本能的吸引着我不断探索,发现他们在生活中随处可见,随着体验越深,感受也就越丰富。我想表达他们在自身成长的过程中所能创造的可能性,并与建筑相结合。 作品“土壤之翼”作为纪念意义的建筑,并没有实际的作用,主旨是展现植物在回归之前最为绽放的时刻,但或许它绽放时展开的“翼”恰好能给人们带来烈日的阴凉。 虽然这个作品来自于自己制作的一个动画短片《对于植物一生的想象》,但通过它我找到了我最初的目标,并且通过这种方式让它实现了,自身纪念万物生长又凋零回归的状态。这也是为什么我选择将它放在公园或者花园的原因,不失是为醒目的一道风景,让人们感受到自然回归的气息。 我还学习了Nomad 3D软件在iPad上模拟了大致形态,在电脑上使用Rhino制作了最终的模型,让它回到起源,从有到几乎没有,就像在自然中一样。

The theme of this project "ReTurn" initially reminded me of the creative process of going from 2D dimensions to 3D dimension and from there to 4D dimensions and then back to the origin, which was an interesting process for me. I was attracted to explore the variability and plasticity of lines in the space. I found that they can be seen everywhere in life and several artists used them for special installations. I wish to express the possibilities that the line can create in their own growth process and combine it with architecture. As a monumental structure, "Wings of Soil" has no actual function. Its main purpose is to show the most blooming moment of a plant before its return, but perhaps its blooming "wings" can just bring people shade against the hot sun for a short moment. Although this work comes from an animation that I made using procreate about my personal imagination on a plant’s life, I found my original goal through the creation of the animation and realized it in that way, commemorating the state of all things growing and fading back. The reason why I chose to place it in a park is because a striking landscape can make people feel the breath of nature returning. I learned also Nomad 3D to model a similar form digitally in iPad and also I used Rhino in computer to generate similar forms of my animation in its final state, before it came back to its origin, from something to almost nothing, as in nature.

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