ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

围绕主题“ReTurn”,我完成了名为“Bio-Loop”的项目。这是一个位于我家乡烟台,在山坡上的公共空间项目。它旨在恢复鸟类栖息地并提高居民的生活质量。该项目展示了一个人类和鸟类可以共同生长,城市也可以回归和谐的方案。 我小时候经常看到一群鸟在天上群飞,并重组成不同的图案。然而,如今烟台市区现在面临着鸟类栖息地丧失和社区单调化的问题。 在这个山坡场地上,我概括并提出了三种功能:面向城市的广场、面向森林的凉亭和面向鸟群的观景台。受鸟群智慧的启发,我根据人们的视线和动线来安排平面图。为了保护原始地貌和增加垂直绿化,我将坡道抬高,并设计了一种支柱结构。它的多孔结构可以变成鸟类的预制巢穴和公共区域的夜间光源的灯槽。最终运用犀牛Rhino和Grasshopper进行建模,模型呈现为一个环形木结构坡道。整个建筑空间隐藏在树林间,坡道上下都可以成为人们聚集的场所。

Surrounded by the topic “ReTurn”, I proposed the project “Bio-Loop” for my hometown, Yantai. The Project is a public park locates on a hillside, which aims to recover birds’ habitats and enhance residents’ living quality. It shows a possible solution where humans and birds can co-grow together; meanwhile, the city can return to its harmony. In my childhood, I would often spot a flock of birds playing in the sky and forming different organic patterns. However, this scene can hardly be seen today, as the city is currently facing issues from birds’ habitats loss and residents’ inorganic communities. Based on the hillside site, I summarized and proposed three functions for residents: playground facing the city, pavilion facing the forest, and viewpoint facing the flock. Inspired by the swarm intelligence, the floor plan was arranged by people’s views and movement flow. To protect the original landscape and gain vertical greenery, the ramp is elevated by a pillar structure that can transform into prefab nests for birds and light posts for public areas. The model resulted in one loop-shaped wooden-structure ramp entity. The entire structure is hidden among trees, and both above and below parts of the ramp can become places for people to gather.

崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
崔诚 空间设计
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