ReTurn . IFC Graduation Show

在这个快节奏的时代,有什么是能长久存在的呢? 在“Re-Turn”这个主题中,我回望我的过去,寻找答案。我家有一辆黄色自行车,比我的年龄还大些。它长得很像现在街上到处都是的共享单车。不同的是,共享单车有损坏后很快就会被报废,而我家的这辆小黄车至今一直被我们使用着,不曾被抛弃。我渐渐觉得它成为了我家庭不可或缺的一份子。 不仅如此,这条自行车也是连接我们家三代人的一条纽带,我、我母亲和我外婆都是或曾是它的使用者。因此我调查了我们家关于这辆自行车的过去,和它的品牌“永久”的历史。我收集到不少老照片,把他们作为拼贴素材。今年由于疫情影响,我被封控在家,不能在外面骑车了,我便决定做个动画,让我的自行车在屏幕中继续行驶。 “Re-turn”也能翻译成旋转,和行进中的自行车轮也有联系,于是我把自行车作为主人公,并以它的口吻讲述了它和它三代主人的故事。相信只要这辆小黄车继续行驶,它和与它相关的故事就会继续存在并续写。

In this fast-paced era, what can exist for a long time? Following my topic “Re-Turn”, I want to return to the past of my family life to look for the answer. I find a yellow bicycle has existed in my home longer than me. Unlike the shared bikes on the road which are easily to be discarded, my yellow bike has been used for a long time and is still working. I gradually feel it has become one of my family members. This bicycle is also like a chain that connects the women in three generations of my family. Around my bike, I did the research of my family’s past and the history of my bicycle’s brand “Forever”. I collected the elements from the old photos and did the collages about the three generations -- my grandma, my mom and me. Because of the quarantine time, I couldn’t ride my bike outside. Therefore, I decided to make a collage animation to keep my bike going. “Re-turn” also links to the rotating of the wheels, so I use the bike as the storyline and the narrator of my animation. It tells its own story with the riders in three generations. As long as the bike continues going, the story will be continued forever.

唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
唐潇云 纯艺术
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